Numbering Attributes

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Numbering Attributes

The numbering support uses several IDs. The developer usually only uses  

WPAT_NumberSTYLE to set the id of a numbering style and WPAT_NumberLEVEL to select the number level of a paragraph.



 WPAT_NumberSTYLE = 31; // Reference to a different Style. It can be a single style or

 // a style which is part of an outline style sheet. In the letter case the correct

 // style will be be located inside this group using the WPAT_NumberLEVEL parameter.

 WPAT_NumberLEVEL = 32; // Numbering Level

 // The following styles are used for simple paragraph numbering and also inside

 // numbering styles. Numbering styles can also use all other paragraph attributes!

 // Please also note that 'WPAT_NumberLEVEL' on its own does NOT activate numbering.

 // WPAT_NumberSTYLE or WPAT_NumberMODE must be also specified.

 // If only WPAT_NumberLEVEL is used this just specifies the current outline level.

 WPAT_OUTLINELEVEL = 32; // synonym for WPAT_NumberLEVEL

 WPAT_NumberMODE = 33; // Supported elements are: (\levelnfcN)

 {*}WPNUM_ARABIC = 1; // Arabic (1, 2, 3)

 {*}WPNUM_UP_ROMAN = 2; // Uppercase Roman numeral (I, II, III)

 {*}WPNUM_LO_ROMAN = 3; // Lowercase Roman numeral (i, ii, iii)

 {*}WPNUM_UP_LETTER = 4; // Uppercase letter (A, B, C)

 {*}WPNUM_LO_LETTER = 5; // Lowercase letter (a, b, c)

 {*}WPNUM_LO_ORDINAL = 6; // Lowercase Ordinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

 {*}WPNUM_Text = 7; // Cardinal text number (One, Two Three)

 {*}WPNUM_ORDINAL_TEXT = 8; // Ordinal text number (First, Second, Third)

 {*}WPNUM_WIDECHAR = 15; // Double-byte character

 {*}WPNUM_CHAR = 16; // Single-byte character

 {*}WPNUM_CIRCLE = 19; // Circle numbering (circlenum)

 {*}WPNUM_ARABIC0 = 23; // Arabic with leading zero (01, 02, 03, ..., 10, 11)

 {*}WPNUM_BULLET = 24; // Bullet (no number at all)

 WPAT_NumberTEXTB = 34; // Text Before (index in stringlist of RTFFProps) (obsolete)

 WPAT_NumberTEXTA = 35; // Text After (index in stringlist of RTFFProps)  (obsolete)

 WPAT_NumberTEXT = 36; // Char #0..#9 are the level placeholders, the rest is the surrounding text

 WPAT_Number_STARTAT = 37; // /levelstartat = specifies the start-at value for the level. Do not mix up with WPAT_NumberStart

 WPAT_Number_ALIGN = 38; // 0=Left, 1=Center, 2=Right

 WPAT_Number_SPACE = 39; // Minimum distance from the right edge of the number to the start of the paragraph text

 WPAT_NumberFONT = 40; // Optional: Font for the text. (In NumberStyles the regular WPAT:CharFont is used!)

 WPAT_NumberFONTSIZE = 41; // Optional: FontSize  (pnfs) in pt * 100

 WPAT_NumberFONTCOLOR = 42; // Optional: FontColor (pncf)

 WPAT_NumberFONTSTYLES = 43; // Optional: CharStyles bitfield ( pnb,  pni, pnul etc ...)

 WPAT_NumberINDENT = 44; // Old Style Indent - NumberStyles may also use the INDENTFIRST/INDENTLEFT props!

 WPAT_NumberFLAGS = 45; //

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_COMPAT = 1; // Compatibility to old RTF

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_USEPREV = 2; // Use text from previous level ( pnprev)

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_USEINDENT = 4; // Use Indent from previous level

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_FOLLOW_SPACE = 8; // A space follows the number, Default = TAB!

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_FOLLOW_NOTHING = 16; // nothing follows the number

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_LEGAL = 32; // convert previous levels to arabic  (\levellegal=)


   // if this level does not restart its count each time a number of a higher level is reached

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_ONCE = 128; // Number each cell only once in a table

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_ACROSS = 256; // Number across rows (the default is to number down columns)

 {*}WPNUM_FLAGS_HANG = 512; // Paragraph uses a hanging indent

 {*}WPNUM_NONumberING = 1024; // DO NOT NumberATE!

 {*}WPNUM_NumberSKIP = 2048; // Increase number but do not display

 {*}WPNUM_IsAbstract = 4096; // Used by WPTools 8 only - this is a abstract style

 WPAT_NumberPICTURE = 46; // Reserved for number pictures

 WPAT_Number_Group = 47; // number group

 WPAT_Number_Abstract = 48; // Used by WPTools 8 only - the abstract anchestor id

 WPAT_Number_RES3 = 49;