Add dialog to create form fields

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Add dialog to create form fields


Our PDF edit demo program features a dialog to create a form.

It can be used to customize most properties of acroform widgets.




You find this dialog in directory  PDFEdit\WPViewFieldForm.pas


To use this dialog add the from to your project so it is automatically created call it like this:



 // assign the current Viewer - we actually assign the function so this stays current!

 WPDFFields.WPViewPDF1 := pdf;

 WPDFFields.Show; // Not modal!



Please note that "WPViewPDF1" has been defined a function:

  WPViewPDF1 : function : TWPViewPDF of Object;


So, although it looks like an object reference, it actually is a function which always provides the current Editor.


This makes it possible  to work with different instances of WPViewPDF, as our implementation examples does.


The dialog is opened in a non-modal way, it remains open.


To a field just to click on "Insert field ad draw widget" and then draw a frame in the current viewer.



This code is used to create the field:


procedure TWPDFFields.btnInsertClick(Sender: TObject);

var FieldTag : Integer;

    fieldtype, FieldValues : String;

    FieldOptions : TStringList;

    FieldActions : TStringList;


    FieldOptions := TStringList.Create;

    FieldActions := TStringList.Create;


        if TypeSel.ActivePageIndex=0 then  // TextEdit


          fieldtype := 'Edit';

          FieldValues := '';


          if cbFontName.Text<>'' then

             FieldOptions.Add('font=' + cbFontName.Text);

          if cbFontSize.Text<>'' then

             FieldOptions.Add('font-size=' + cbFontSize.Text);



          case selFormat.ActivePageIndex of

             // Standard TextEdit or Memo

             0 : if chMultiline.Checked then fieldtype := 'Memo';

             // Edit with Date Format

             1 : if cbDateMask.Text<>'' then



                 + cbDateMask.Text + '")' );


                 + cbDateMask.Text + '")' );


             // Edit with Special Format

             2 : if cbMask.Text<>'' then


               // AFSpecial_FormatEx requires string parameter


                  + cbMask.Text + '")' );


                  + cbMask.Text + '")' );




          if chMultiline.Checked then

                fieldtype := 'Memo'

          else  fieldtype := 'Edit';




        if TypeSel.ActivePageIndex=1 then  // Choice


          if rbComboBox.Checked then

                fieldtype := 'Combobox'

          else  fieldtype := 'Listbox';


          if chMultiselect.Checked then fieldtype := fieldtype + ',multi';

          if chEditable.Checked then fieldtype := fieldtype + ',edit';


          FieldValues := edChoiceItems.Lines.CommaText;



        if TypeSel.ActivePageIndex=2 then  // Checkbox


          fieldtype := 'checkbox';

          if rgBtnGlyph.ItemIndex>0 then

               fieldtype := fieldtype + ',' 

                  + IntToStr(rgBtnGlyph.ItemIndex);

          if edBtnValueTrue.Text='' then

              FieldValues := 'Yes,Off'

          else FieldValues :=  edBtnValueTrue.Text +',Off';


        else exit;


        // Set the annotation widget color

        // Here we pass a color string to be set in the Annotation in the

        // MK dictionary as BC element.

        if chLineColor.Checked then




               + ColorToString(BCColor.Brush.Color) );


               + ColorToString(BCColor.Brush.Color) );


           FieldOptions.Add('Color=' + ColorToString(BCColor.Brush.Color) );


        if chBackgroundColor.Checked then


           // FieldOptions.Add('prp.d.MK.c.BG=' 

           // + ColorToString(BGColor.Brush.Color) );


               + ColorToString(BGColor.Brush.Color) );



        // We add or update the field

        FieldTag :=


                 chFieldName.Text, // the fieldname including the path

                 '', // Path is empty




                 4, // F=4 means visible and pritable


                 FieldActions.CommaText,  // Actions - only used with wpAddFieldAndDrawWidget!

                 FieldOptions.CommaText,   // Options  - only used with wpAddFieldAndDrawWidget!








