Modify Annotation properties

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Modify Annotation properties

With WPViewPDF PLUS it is also possible to modify a selection of properties of the currently selected annotations.


There is not a GUI for this, but you can implement one which works with XML data.


xmlstring := WPViewPDF.CommandGetStr(COMPDF_Ann_XMLGetFromAnnots, '###', 0);


will retrieve a string with the properties of all selected annotations. The properties which have different values in the selection will be set to '###'.


All property values can be modified in the XML code, also the '###' placeholders and then applied to the selection:


WPViewPDF.CommandStrEx(COMPDF_Ann_XMLSetToAnnots, modified_xmlstring, 0);


Example of the XML code of a highlight annotation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<neutral value="###"></neutral>

<annot X="58.80" Y="120.27" W="492.43" H="48.11" GrOptions="64" 

Background-Color="blue" prp.n.Subtype="Highlight" 

Color="Yellow" Alpha="50"></annot>


You can modify X, Y, W and H - all are measured in 72dpi and also Color and Alpha.


   Background color is: Background-Color="color_as_string"

   Line color is: Color="color_as_string"

   Font name is: Font="fontname"

   Font Size color is: Font-Size="floatvalue"

   Font color is: Font-Color="color_as_string"



COMPDF_Ann_XMLSetToAnnots will modify all named properties, except for those with the value '###'. Note, that you can use a different token instead of '###'.



It is also possible to change the acroform field properties. The acroform fields are connected to widget annotations only. Of widget annotations are selected COMPDF_Ann_XMLGetFromAnnots can be used to retrieve the XML data and COMPDF_Ann_XMLSetToAnnots can be used to apply it.


Example of the Acroform Field XML code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<neutral value="###"></neutral>

<field T="undefined" TU="undefined" F="4" V="" FT="Tx"></field>


T is the fieldname, TU the alternative field name to be displayed in gui.

F are the field flags (see PDF specs), V the current field value and FT the field type. The type can be Tx or Btn for a checkbox.