Internal Actions

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Internal Actions

WPViewPDF V4 includes powerful feature: internal "Actions".


The internal actions are internal classes wich control the operation of the WPViewPDF viewer.


Each of the classes is of a certain "kind", the operation group. i.e. "File" is the "kind" of the open action.


Then it has a certain operation number, i.e. 1="Open" and 2="Append" within the group "File".


For GUI setup each action has a caption and a hint string property and of course it has a name. Using the name it is possible to execute an action, but with GUI usually its number is used. The number can be stored as the kind number in the high word and the operation number in the low word. Please do not relay on this number to not change - to identify an action persistently better use its name.


The number for a certain named action can be retrieved with COMPDF_ACTION_READ and "?"+actionname:


int acn = pdf.CommandStrEx( COMPDF_ACTION_READ, "?" + action_name );



COMPDF_ACTION_READ and COMPDF_ACTION_WRITE can also be used to localize the captions.