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Due to the scripting the localization can be done easily.


Simply load a translated action XML file before the menus and actions are created.


To retrieve the original XML file use this code:


xmlstring := WPViewPDF.CommandGetStr(COMPDF_ACTION_READ,'xml',0);


to assign new XML data use this:




It is also possible to update the caption of existing menus and actions. This code will update the main menu and the action list:



// The code only processes Actions and Menus with a certain prefix in the name

 procedure TForm1.DoUpdateLanguage(Sender : TObject);

 var i : Integer;

     ac : TAction;

     men : TMenuItem;


   for I := 0 to ActionList1.ActionCount-1 do


      ac := TAction( ActionList1.Actions[i] );

      if (Copy(ac.Name, 1, Length(_ActionNamePrefix))=_ActionNamePrefix) 

             and (ac.Tag<>0) then


          ac.Caption := WPViewPDF1.CommandGetStr(COMPDF_ACTION_READ,

               'caption', ac.Tag);

          ac.Hint := WPViewPDF1.CommandGetStr(COMPDF_ACTION_READ,

               'hint', ac.Tag);




   // Read kcaption - thats the caption of a action group.

   // Only menus which a name which starts with _MenuNamePrefix are updated!

   for I := 0 to MainMenu1.Items.Count-1 do


      men := TMenuItem( MainMenu1.Items[i] );

      if (Copy(men.Name, 1, Length(_MenuNamePrefix))=_MenuNamePrefix) 

                and (men.Tag>0) then


          men.Caption := WPViewPDF1.CommandGetStr(COMPDF_ACTION_READ,

                'kcaption', men.Tag-1);


