ANN: TextDynamic .NET and TextDynamic ActiveX V1.27.7

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    TextDynamic V1.27.7 is now available. It is a powerful WYSIWYG word processing and mail merge component with support for CSS style sheets, tables, header+footer texts, images and optianally integrated spellchecking and PDF creation.

    There is a new demo developed in VB.NET which shows how to use TextDynamic on MDI child windows and attach an external toolbar.

    We also have completed the ability to work with multiple documents and just one editor (Simulated MDI). TextDynamic is able to switch between many documents which are managed internally - quickly and flickerfree. Even a tab set can be added to switch beteen the documents. So you can work with multiple documents without the over head of the MDI framework.

    The reporting feature is now ready to use. It works with two templates. The first is managed as XML data (it can be loaded and saved as XML) and contains all bands and fields which can be used in the report. The second template, this is what the user can edit, is the actual reporting template. It is created automatically from all or parts of the XML template and can then be edited.

    Please see chapter "Reporting" in the manual:

    A new demo can be now downloaded at


    Julian Ziersch

  • Hallo Julian,

    bei mir funktionieren, seit dieser Version, die Tool-Buttons nicht mehr.
    Ich kann zwar die Buttons Fett, Kursiv etc. anwählen, und es wird der Text auch dementsprechend verändert, aber sobald ich den Cursor an einer anderen Stelle platziere, wird der Status in der Toolbar nicht geändert.

    Kommt das nur bei mir vor, oder ist da ein Bug ????

    Vielen Dank für schnelle Antwort.