WPTools 5.18.1 wpDefEditor Styles Error

  • wpDefEditor - When text is selected in the rtfEditor, it does not change in response to selecting a new style from the combo box.

    The rest of the functions of the combo box - edit styles and display of styles all seem to work fine - it even changes in accordance with moving the cursor in the rtfEditor.

  • Use the WordPad5 demo (UseDefEditor.dpr). Create a new style with a distinctive font and size eg cursive 32 point size.

    The fonts show correctly in the combo box, however when you select some text in the editor and apply the style some characteristics work eg bold, italic,centered etc however font name and font size do not work

  • Thanks Julian - I'm not sure that you understand my problem.

    The ParStyles sample works as I expected. You can select text in the main rtf editor, then change to a different style in the style combo box and the selected text will change to the new style.

    In the wpDefEditor however this doesn't happen.

    The wpDefEditor uses a TWPComboBox control to select the style whereas ParStyles uses a TWPToolBar with SelStyle list Box. I can resolve it myself by making my own replacement DefEditor however I like to use your version as it should come with enhancements as you upgrade your components.