WpTools5 v.5.18.3 and WpReporter Bugs

  • Hi Julian,

    here you can download some examples and see where i found the bugs:

    1. file: http://www.ideasistemi.it/web/servizi/do…s5/Template.RTF here there are a Template for WpReporter, contains character in different dimensions, fonts, tables, and insertFiels. This file are produced with WpTools4 version and with WpTools4 work very-well.

    2. file: http://www.ideasistemi.it/web/servizi/do…ols5/D10715.RTF here there are the result after WPReporter mail-merge. In this file you can see a lot of difference if you compare them with the originator (Template.RTF). You can see who some characters dimension are changed, some justification are lost and also some font are changed.

    3. file http://www.ideasistemi.it/web/servizi/do…eporterBugs.bmp here i have hilighted some of the difference after mail-merge.

    4. Another bugs are present, try to open D10715.RTF with MsWord and see how the tables are displayed and some other difference if you compare them into WpTools5.

    5. Some paragraph and characters formats are lost also if you simply try to open my Template.RTF with WpTools5.

    How i have told a lot of time, my customer's have some undred of different template and i can't use WpTools5 if this are the result.
    Please Julian, i need to use WpTools5 for it's new features but first of all i need a rock-solid components.

  • Hi Julian,

    i sended to you an e-mail with my examples.

    Sorry for my comments but this it's my first serious test after a long work for porting my applications to WpTools5 and now i have discovered a lot of problems.
    I think who all this problems are not difficult to fix.
    But also i need your assurance who WpTools5 can be used as a WpTools4 successor, i have too much link between my application and their WpTools4 documents and WpRepoter templates.
    I need to upgrade to WpTools5 and then use all my old WpTools4 documents and templates without problems. And also i need to create a lot of new documents with WpTools5 and open and print it with MsWord, as i do now with WpTools4.

  • Hi Julian,

    i re-sended an e-mail to 'support' with my examples also renaming the attanched file.
    Also my first e-mail was sended at 'support' mail-box.
    Tell me something if you receive or not receive my example.

  • Hi Julian,

    please make attention also at this 2 problems:

    1) if i open an old WpTools4 documents/template with new WpTools5 seem who some paragraph or characters styles are lost. This aren't a WpReporter bugs but i think some kind of problem when the documents are readed by new WpTools5.

    2) After mail-merge with WpTools5 if i open my new document into MsWord tables are not displaied correctly. Try to open my example (the final document) in MsWord and see what happen.