Why does 250 MB become 500 MB

  • Hello!

    By accident I allowed some of my users to paste graphics into a TWPRichText. This caused the database to become very large which is something I want to avoid.

    I have now written a small program to extract all the images (as TWPOImageObject object) and save them to a file instead. The images has been replaced with hyperlinks.

    The "strange" thing is that while the database table with the richtext shrunk from 1.35 GB to 850 MB, I only extracted about 250 MB worth of images.

    Why does the images take up twise as much in richtext as on disk?

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    in RTF images are often HEX encoded. That doubvles the size. Word for example will always do this and often save images double (one copy PNG, one copy BMP).

    WPTools will save binary data (not hexcoded) if that has been selected in property Header.StoreOptions.

    Julian Ziersch