RTF to PDF Conversion (VB)

  • I downloaded your evaluation software. I am looking for an API that will let me read a a multi-page RTF file or RTF string and convert it to a pdf file. I ran your C:\Program Files\wPDFControl\Demos\VB6\RICHEDIT\Rich2PDF.vbp project to test. I specified the correct path for the demo dll. I was able to load in my RTF file but it generated a blank PDF file with your watermark.

    Is this supposed to work in demo version? We need to get a tool like yours ASAP if it works for our RTF documents.

  • Julian,

    I did not get an email from you guys. Can you forward it to me again?

    Your Demo.exe in C:\Program Files\wPDFControl works fine, but your Rich2PDF project in C:\Program Files\wPDFControl\Demos\VB6\RICHEDIT generates a blank page. I need to test it with real code before we buy your software.

    In your reply you mentioned that there may be a problem with the nagscreen it displays. I don't know what that means and in anycase what will be the solution for it.

    Also, can you answer two other questions since I have your attention?
    1) What is your turnaround time on support issues as that will be crucial in our decision making?
    2) Do I need Word installed on the machine to make this work?

    Deepak Walia

  • Deepak Walia,

    I can tell you that the response time from WPTools is amazing. You should be able to see that yourself by randomly picking out posts to this forum from users, and then look at the response time.

    The only delay I have really ever seen is caused by time differences between Europe, where WPTools Support is based out of, and, in my case, the United States, where I am from. Other than that, the turn-around time is fantastic, and I've gotten spoiled..:) I say this as a user who has owned WPTools for seven years now, since 1998. The response time has been the same throughout all those years.

    The ONLY other time I've seen appreciable delays is, as was apparently the case with you, a lost email or somethng. I can't encourage you enough to consider WPTools as the package you go with.

    Oh, and there's another aspect you *don't* ask about, but I should mention it. It's not one you would typically think in terms of. I have never seen any developer so open to suggestions for enhancements to the existing feature-set as this WPTools has been over the years. I've gotten spoiled!.

    Oh, and no, ya don't need Word on your machine to use WPTools. WPTools is totally independent of Word - although if you want to talk about a product that closely emulates the behavior of Word, WPTools is the one. Sometimes it even "out-Words" Word, providing improved functionality over it! Case in point is the flexibility of the Headers and Footer, and the degree of control you have over it within WPTools, more so than you do in Wordl.

    Do I sound like a fan? Yes, 'cause I am!!!.

    Richard Diamond