Exporting to word- line spacing

  • When I do a copy and paste from a WPTools 4.25 editor and Microsoft Word (2000), it sets the line spacing to "at least 50 points" instead of "single".

    If I paste the same thing into WordPad or an Outlook e-mail, the spacing is OK - but those don't have any way to handle strange line spacing, so I suspect they ignore it.

    Any way to fix this? I can't find a property to control it.

  • I had the same problem with users trying to open RTF files with MS Word generated with version 4.25 of WPTools.
    Removing line #2114 in WPwrtRTF.pas:

    else p := StrEPCopy(p, '1000'); // Default, auto line height

    solved the problem for me, but I'm not sure if this is a wise change. Perhaps Julian can help us out a bit more here?

  • Zitat von wpsupport

    Please use
    p := StrEPCopy(p, '0');

    which now also works with OpenOffice. (That was the original reason to use the old RTF standard 1000 which is now wrongly interpreted by MS word)

    Thanx Julian, this works.
    Should I also apply change to line #283?