Properties "PAGE_PDFHeight" and "PAGE_PDFWidt

  • Hi!

    I have developed a (big) routine using wPDFControlDemo.dll (we were only trying the component in here) and it worked very well. For this reason we decided to bought the Standard version.

    (I'm using your component in Visual Basic 6.0)

    The problem is:
    When I was using the properties "PAGE_PDFHeight" and "PAGE_PDFWidth" in the Demo version, it used to work properly.

    When I upgraded the component to the Standard version, those properies are giving to my pdf file a different result: the document doesn't appear to respect the values that I set in the properties mentioned above.

    This is the code which used to work in the Demo version:

    PDF.PAGE_PDFHeight = ScaleY(picture1.Height, vbTwips, vbPixels)
    PDF.PAGE_PDFWidth = ScaleX(picture1.Width, vbTwips, vbPixels)

    Code's explanation:
    I try to set the pdf file size (width and height) just like the component "picture1" size.

    The question is:
    Is there any difference in those properties' behavior between the demo and final version?

    Thanks a lot.

    Hope you can help me.

    Fellipe Borges

    PS: I've sent an email to support with the same question.

  • Hi, good afternoon.

    Last Monday (January 16th) you tried to solve a problem with your standard version component (the problem was about the PAGE_PDFWidth and PAGE_PDFHeight properties, which are not working). You made a new version of it, but it didn't work.
    Then I sent you a reply trying to explain better the problem (including attachments and examples) and I also post the problem in the forum, but you did not answer me yet.
    The problem is that I have a short stated period to finish this project (pdf exporting) cause I have a lot of clients waiting for this and also my manager is asking about it all the time.
    I'd like to know if you are solving the problem and when are you going to send me a new version.

    Thanks a lot,

    Fellipe Borges
    Prosoft Tecnologia
    São Paulo - Brazil

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    There could be a difference WHEN the property is set. Internally it is only applied when the engine is initialized.

    So please change the properties BEFORE you call 'StartEngine'.

    There is also a method StartPageEx(Width: Integer; Height: Integer; Rotation: Integer) which also accepts width and height parameters. Those will override the one which were defined initially.

    Kind Regards,

    Julian Ziersch