Scalarbility and temp files

  • Hi,

    i'm evaluating an application that uses rtf2pdf as a component

    we believe that the component is writting files to temp directories and we're interested in changing this behavoir to keep files in memory until they are placed onto the network.

    is this possible or does the file have to be written to disk?

    also have you any suggestion for how to best tune the component for a large memory multiple cpu server?

    is there any room for tuning outside of code changes?



    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Which interface do you use to access RTF2PDF?

    It is pretty easy to load the RTF from memory, the command is WPCOM_RTFLOADFROMBUFFER = 1030 and it expects the buffer as ANSI string.

    The current version of the .NET interface does not work with streams, but that will be implemented in version 3, our TextDynamic already works with streams.

    Then it would it allow be possible to save the PDF in a stream. temporary files are not required by the engine.

    >> how to best tune the component for a large memory multiple cpu server?

    This depends on the language you are using. We could create a special engine for you which does this multithreaded - without the need that you have to worry about that. You may call: +49-89-49053501

    Julian Ziersch