Font is not found

  • Hello,

    When I'm trying to print a PDF document with the "MS Serif" font (look that it's not "MS Sans Serif") the PDF component doesn't find this font and prints my document with the minuscules letters too small!

    I noticed that when I'm I set an inexistent font, the same happens.

    Here is an example:

        PDF.SetTextAttr "MS Serif", 6, 0, 0, 0
        PDF.TextOut 20, 100, "Take a Look in the Minuscules Letters"
        PDF.SetTextAttr "xxxxxxxxxx", 6, 0, 0, 0
        PDF.TextOut 20, 100, "The same happens with an inexistent font"

    I hope u can help me,


    Fellipe Borges
    Prosoft Tecnologia