Blank Pages When Viewing

  • Hello,

    I have a problem with some of the pages of the PDF document not displaying anything when I load the document into the viewer. In addition, when I call GetPageText it does not return anything for the pages that are displayed as blank pages.

    For example, a 203-page doc has two blank pages, a 524-page doc has three blank pages, a 590-page doc has one blank page, and a 632-page doc has two blank pages. The pages are not blank when viewing in Adobe Reader. On the other hand, I loaded a 500-page doc and a 635-page doc into the viewer and none of the pages was blank. All of the docs were created using WPDF200A.DLL version

    The documents I am loading into the viewer contain only text. I am using wPDFView01.dll version I am using Delphi. I have tried both LoadFromFile and AttachStream and the results are the same. I can send you the docs that have blank pages if this will help.

  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    I do not know anything about watermarks, but I can view the contents of a page that was blank if I recreate the document. For example, I create a 590-page document in which only one page (172) was blank. I create the doc a second time, and only pages 405 and 435 are blank. Page 172 is fine. I recreate the doc a third time and only pages 103, 185, and 338 are blank. If the problem was caused by the content of a page, I would expect the same page to be blank every time, is this not the case?

    The Encryption property was including wpEncryptFile. When I removed wpEncryptFile, the blank pages are no longer present. I also tested creating the documents using a product from a company called Gnostice. These documents are using encryption. The docs created with Gnostice do not have any blank pages when viewed in PDF Viewer.

    We want to create the documents with encryption. We also want to use your product to create the documents, as the Gnostice product is much slower. Should we be able to view encrypted docs without any problems? Is there a setting pertaining to encryption we can change to fix this? I can email you a sample document if that would be of assistance.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    The issue with the watermark was just a guess since I get sometimes questions about that.

    So you are using wPDF to create the files - unless something happens on certain pages (memory problem maybe) the pages should not be empty. If you are using WPTools and wPDF empty pages can happen when you have hard page breaks in the document which follow a soft page break - on such a page there is only one, in this case empty, paragraph.

    I am not aware of any problems with encryption - but if you have an example file which has a problem please send it to me.

    I can only guess since I do not have info about your project.
