Problem ajusting left and rigth Margin in TWPVertRuler

  • I am trying to ajust the left and rigth margin in the vertical ruler (resize the darker gray areas at runtime with mouse), but they can't be resized.

    I can ajust PageSize by altering the left and rigth margins, but i would like to do this when the program is runing, in a way that the user could customize it to any size.

    Is this possible to do?

    I am using WPTools v.4.09.

    thks ;)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The rulers only support to change the margins, not the page size. You need to add a TWPPagePropDlg to the program or add code which changed WPRichText1.Header.PageWidth and WPRichText1.Header.PageHeight.
