pdfPrint Function Usage

  • Your web site mentions a function "pdfPrint" to print a PDF file directly without the need to create an instance of a component. Can you provide an example of how to use this function in Delphi (7). Also, is this function available in the Standard version or do you need the Plus edition?


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    You can use this in the standard version as well.

    You need to define an external function:

    function pdfPrint(filename: PChar; password: PChar;
    licname, lickey: PChar; liccode: Cardinal;
    options: PChar): Integer; stdcall;
    external 'wPDFViewDemo01.dll' name 'pdfPrint';

    This funtion can then be executed in your code to print a PDF file.

    '', // Password or ""
    '','',0, // License Information
    ''); // Options

    Options are encoded as string list:

    The options string can contain several parameters. They need to be placed in quotes (") and separated by comma sings.

    PRINTER=xxxx - select printer name
    COPIES=n - select count of copies
    COLLATE=1 - enable collate mode LISTPRINTER=1 - list all printer names to debug console
    LISTTRAY=1 - list all tray to debug console
    TRAY1=N - printer tray for first page
    TRAY2=N - printer tray for all pages


    Julian Ziersch