Version 4.25 corrupting my old editfields from 4.11d

  • Take a look at the sample RTF below from our legacy app which was using WPTools 4.11d... this sample is a single checkbox char (a8 in wingdings) in an edit field:


    1E. \tab Certified Applicator\plain\f4\fs14\cf0 \tab \plain\f4\fs14\cf0 {\field{\*\fldinst{MERGEFIELD WDICBox1 }}«}\plain\f3\fs18\cf0 \'a8\plain\f4\fs14\cf0 {\field{\*\fldinst{MERGEFIELD WDICBox1 }}»}\plain\f4\fs14\cf0 \tab \plain\f4\fs14\cf0\shad (check one)

    Upon loading this RTF into a WPRichText from a database, this is what WPTools 4.25 did to it, corrupting the edit field, and now also displays a clock next to the checkbox ( the >> end field was changed to a bb char which is a 5 o'clock symbol from wingdings, and which is a >> char in regular font like Arial).


    1E. \tab Certified Applicator\plain\f4\fs14\cf0 \tab \plain\f4\fs14\cf0 {\field{\*\fldinst{MERGEFIELD WDICBox1 }}«}\plain\f3\fs18\cf0 \'a8\'bb\plain\f4\fs14\cf0 \tab \plain\f4\fs14\cf0\shad (check one)

    I will have to back down to 4.11d ... what the heck is going on??? Please also note that my other editfields for text input which do not contain wingding chars, do not get corrupted. So something related to wingdings is suspect perhaps.

  • That was what I was hoping to illustrate (take a closer look at the quoted rtf samples)... that the end marker was replaced by the bb char. i.e. there is no longer any end marker. Again, this only occurred on my fields that were "checkbox" fields i.e. fields with a wingding char in them... the end marker survived the fields that did not have this checkbox char.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    found it:

    Please open file WPWrtRTF and locate this code and insert the marked line:

