Question to Table Resizing

  • Hi!

    I have a WPRichEdit-Field with a table in it. I want to use the whole WPRichReditField als Contents.obj in MailMergeGetText.

    This works fine as long as the margins of the source-WPRichEditField and the MailMergeDocument-WPRichEditField have the same margins.

    If not, bad resizing is going on, even if there is enough space left for the table.

    It seems the table left position and table right position are calculated from left coordinate Zero (left paper margin) and not from the left margin of the page.

    Can I tell a table not to resize if there is enough page width?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I suggest to apply the page size of the destination to the source WPRichText before you insert it:

    WPToBeInserted.Header := WPMerger.Header;

    If necessary you can set the left and right border of the table to 0 - if it has such a border (SetTableLeftRight)