Zoom and Pan with Co-ordinates

  • Is it possible (in C# code) to zoom in to part of a PDF and scoll that magnified area around the PDF.

    I would need to get the co-ordinates of the scrolled area.

    This would be to allow a user of my application to select part of a drawing that has been converted to a PDF, and for my application to respond based on that chosen area.


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    > Is it possible using your component in C# (VS2005) to allow the
    > user to pan the PDF using the mouse, and using the mouse wheel to
    > zoom in to any area of the PDF.

    It is already possible to move (drag) the page with the mouse.

    Zooming with mouse wheel can be made, too.

    We plan to add this modern move and zoom mode.

    > I also need the ability to detect
    > the XY position and size of of the zoomed portion (it is being used to select items in the PDF)

    That is not good to implement. What would better work is to dtect the
    x,y coordinates of the mouse over a certain page.

    The problem is that is is possible that several pages are visible at
    the same time.

  • That would work, in the area I want to use the component there is only ever one page- but if "page number, mouse XY and zoom percentage were returned that would work well.

    In C# VS2005 it is not too hard to collect mousewheel information.

    Thanks for the reply

  • When a zoom is applied ( + button on wpViewPanel) I notice the scaling is from the top left hand corner, it would be great if the zoom base point could be set to the centre of the visible screen as well as (or instead of) the top left corner and the methods to scroll and pan were exposed rather than only available from the vpViewPanel.
