Korean text is doubled

  • We use the WPReporter in an application, and allow the end users to edit the text. When a user Korea enters Korean text (symbols to me) they are getting the characters repeated. They appear twice immediately on entry, and are stored as unicode characters twice in the data file. If you then hit backspace, it will remove a single character (that may happen after it is saved, not sure).

    Are there any known issues with Unicode and Korean keyboards?

    My full question set is this, in case it reveals anything additional you may ask. (Also, I'm about to disappear on holiday, but will be around intermittently before new year.)

    I hope that this is something simple - I don't want to have to buy a Korean keyboard to work it out!

    Many thanks, Matthew

  • I'll let you know if this fixes it, and if so, if I can work out why it might.

    But what would be really useful is if some more of the $DEFINES like this were in an INC file. Right now I can't add warnings to my code to verify that my change is made. I wanted to output a message to warn that the option was enabled, which presumably it will be if I update and forget to make the change again. The define doesn't get to be in my code, so I can't test and output a warning if it is defined. If it was in an INC file, then I could include the INC myself and thus make the test work. I hope this is something you can consider for the future. Thanks!


  • Okay, results back from the Korean customer say that without that definition, no Korean characters can be input at all. I will revert, and see if I can get time to work out if there is an error in the IME code.

  • Further reading of the URL in your code shows that the sample tests for GCS_RESULTSTR which is not done in the WPTools version. Presumably this is what makes a repeat. I'll add the test and let you know.

  • Okay, I got a report back from the customer and my fix works. Could you please review this and let me know when it is in the release code please?

    This is the code - I added the IF at the beginning.

    In essence, the code is ignored unless it is the final result.