• I am having problems recompiling the Ver 4 D2007 package.
    I am changing the wpinc.inc to allow for reported and pdf.

    The compile has several problems.
    1. Other .inc files are not in the directory (i.e. wpdf_inc.inc & wpmsg.inc}
    2. After copying those files from the D7 directory I noticed that the wpinc.inc doesn't have a { Delphi 2007} at all.
    3. When compiling I finally get stuck on the line:
    if FMemo.fsMemoryFormat = fmRichTextUnicode then
    fXML.UTF8 := TRUE;
    with this error:
    [DCC Error] WPXmlFile.pas(204): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'UTF8'

    Please tell me how I can proceed.
