Installation problems

  • Hi all!

    I'm trying to install a WPViewPDF Demo version in BuilderC++, but while compiling the package, this error is displayed "LINKER ERROR MESSAGE: "Unable to open file - vcldbx.lib"

    I've added VCLDBX.BPI to the project and this message has disappeared, but now another message is displayed:
    "[Linker Fatal Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'd:\devel\ide\borland\CBUILD~1\Projects\Lib\wpViewPDF_BCB6.bpi'" :(

    What am I missing or doing wrong?

  • I installed the WPViewPDF component with no error messages, but when i drop TWPViewPDF component on the my Form (i see TWPViewPDF component on my Form) and try to start program the following error is displayed: "Class TWPViewPDF not found". When i create TWPViewPDF dynamically

    TWPViewPDF * w = new TWPViewPDF(Form1);

    program doesn't terminate, but i see "Access violation in vcl60.bpl"!!!!

    How can I resolve these problems?!