• I was wondering when version 5 would be out and what features would it have beyond version 4.

    Will header/footer be supported in a similar way that you can see in Word? Such that you can view them on the actual page rather than flipping to another page.

    Also, will it be possible to print footnotes?

    - Dave

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    WPTools 5 beta is expected within 4 weeks.

    what features would it have beyond version 4:
    - an improved way to deal with the paragraphs of a text. The "RTF engine" is object oriented and let you creyt very efficient code to work with text and attributes. Although the old 'par.next' which was used a lot since WPTools 1 can be still used to create loop through all paragraph, now par.ColFirst, par.ColLast etc can be used to work with tables.

    - Many many new properties for paragraphs and characters + borders

    - new, text format to save and load which is readable and indexable (since it is similar to XML/HTML) but still stores all properties of the text.

    - multiple views with different layout/zoom setting for one text

    - edit header/footer directly in the page layout view (like in Word)

    - nested tables Page breaks in merged rows or nested tables are supported in the editor. Note that other products (if they support table nesting at all) do only handle page breaks between rows in the highest level of a table.

    - row merge.

    - complete support for tabstops

    - "header"/"footer" table rows which are repeated on each page

    - improved property dialogs which know a neutral state for each property.

    - With WPTools "Premium" Edition: footnote and column support

    WPTools 5 is based on a new "RTF Engine" which incorporates many of the 'old' ideas to make the update painless, but also introduces very modern concepts. All pointer stuff which was necessary years ago to write a fast word processor has been replaced by objects and/or dynamic arrays. WPTools 5 requires Delphi 5 or later. Although it adds so much possibilities, WPTools 5 requires a bit less memory than WPTools 4. With the test file (200 pages, 6 MB RTF code) it proves tio be very fast, too.

    Julian Ziersch
    WPCubed GmbH

  • Zitat

    Although it adds so much possibilities, WPTools 5 requires a bit less memory than WPTools 4. With the test file (200 pages, 6 MB RTF code) it proves tio be very fast, too.

    Wow! I think I'll purchase soon...


  • How about adding the following:

    1. Ability to have a different background image on each page that is actually SAVED in the rtf.

    2. Ability to turn off tiling of the background image and set it's position.

    3. Ability for WPObject descendents to know what page they are on. Currently the needed code only gets called if the object is a TWPObjectField descendent but these objects can't have a frame...

    4. Ability to have objects that are truely floating on a page, i.e. not bound to a paragraph. This is documented in 4.x but I have yet to get it to work and I haven't received any answers to question regarding it in either newsgroup.

    5. Scroll event, i.e. an event that fires when a user scrolls the display.


    • Offizieller Beitrag


    >>How about adding the following:
    1. Ability to have a different background image on each page that is actually SAVED in the rtf. <<

    This could be done in a stream RTFVariable. It is not RTF conform anyway as far as I see. WPTools 5 uses a different way to draw background images - should work a lot better.

    >>2. Ability to turn off tiling of the background image and set it's position.
    Actually 'tiling' is the exception in the future, not the rule

    >>3. Ability for WPObject descendents to know what page they are on. Currently the needed code only gets called if the object is a TWPObjectField descendent but these objects can't have a frame... <<

    TWPObject will not know in V5 either, but the TTextObjects do (the references) - they actually know in which paragraph they are placed. Since TTextObjects are now objects and no records additionla logic can be added.

    >>4. Ability to have objects that are truely floating on a page, i.e. not bound to a paragraph. This is documented in 4.x but I have yet to get it to work and I haven't received any answers to question regarding it in either newsgroup. <<
    Thats impossible. A object always need to have an owner paragraph. This owner pagraph has to be on the same page the object is displayed. The object is always displayed UNDER the paragraph if any wrap mode should be usable.

    >>5. Scroll event, i.e. an event that fires when a user scrolls the display.
    Has been implemented - actually it has been made to attach custom scrollbars.


  • I have a couple of questions:

    1) Will table borders properly size / expand when text is wrapped around graphics in a table?

    2) Will EDSSpell be supported?

    Thank you.

    Nicholas Crosby

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    >>1) Will table borders properly size / expand when text is wrapped around graphics in a table? <<

    WPTools 5 supports autosizing table columns and it suppors text wrapping on the left, right and both sides of images. (full wrap).
    The text wrap is enabled for images which are located over a table but the borders are not affected by this and will not expand. Floating images and tables are on a different level on the 'virtual paper' WPTools 5 is using.

    >>2) Will EDSSpell be supported?
    A bit later, yes.

    Julian Ziersch