Is there a known bug with dots and dashes line styles ?

  • I have PDF files using dotted and hashes for line style which look weird in wpViewPDF and fine in other viewers. Dotted or dashed lines look thicker and continuous. They are fine in Adobe Reader (Windows) and Apple Preview (Mac). So I guess it is a rendering issue and not a production issue.
    Can you confirm this ?
    Is a fix possible ?
    Do you need samples to reproduce ?
    (It really should'nt be difficult to reproduce).

  • Zitat

    Currently the pattern which is selected by the post script command [...] d cannot be displayed. s olid line will be drawn.

    Ok, this is exactly the problem.
    Do you intend to fix this anytime? I routinely have to produce outputs similar to official forms like custom or taxes forms and those people seem to love to use dotted or hashes to divide some areas in multiple cells. To get such layouts to be conformant they must at least be printed correctly. This is why this detail is important to me, else I would not even have bothered anybody with it.

    By the way, thank you very much for your pre-sale support !

  • Zitat von winpple

    Ok, this is exactly the problem.
    Do you intend to fix this anytime?

    I have tested it with the latest version as of June 12 2008, it looks like this is not yet implemented. If at least it could print a solid line of the right thickness it would help. The issue today is that it not only ignores the dot and dashes and goes solid but apparently ignores the line thickness and prints a thicker line than expected.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    If you have a PDF which uses this style it would help. Unfortunately the windows hash stzles depend on device resolution - something which is not possible to duplicate straight forward inn PDF which uses logical distances. THe conversion back to windows is something which would require line drawing in own code, avoiding windows GDI.


  • Zitat von wpsupport


    If you have a PDF which uses this style it would help. Unfortunately the windows hash stzles depend on device resolution - something which is not possible to duplicate straight forward inn PDF which uses logical distances. THe conversion back to windows is something which would require line drawing in own code, avoiding windows GDI.


    Here is a good one to test:
    The dotted lines are not the only issue. But I do not heavily depend on the other details.

    What your explaining above is that WPViewPDF does translate the postscript instructions of the pdf file to Windows GDI instructions, instead of actually rendering by itself a device resolution dependent bitmap then displayed ? That sounds as a really good idea, and yes I can understand it then pose some limitations. Yet you might want to translate dotted and hash lines from the pdf to small straight line segments made through the GDI. Just an idea and I'm not sure it can apply.
