pdfMakeJpeg memory errors

  • Hi,

    I have recently included the pdfMakeJpeg feature of WPViewPDF into my program (using Delphi 2005) but every time I include the following line :

    function pdfMakeJPEG(filename: PChar; password: PChar; licname, lickey: PChar; liccode: Cardinal; destpath: PChar; frompage, to_page: Integer; jpegres: Integer): Integer; stdcall; external 'wPDFView02.dll';

    my application will not load and get an error that reads:

    "The instruction at "0x00553b56" referenced at "0x00da2af0". The memory could not be "read". Click OK to terminate and Cancel to debug."

    If I remove the declaration of pdfMakeJPEG, my program loads fine. What could be causing this error? I have even included this in a brand new sample project with the same error.

    Any help greatly appreciated!
