Specifying page for COMPDF_GetTextBuf

  • Hi,

    I have been spending time with extracting text from the PDF. Noticed the .NET wrapper lacks this interface so I am using the direct commands instead.

    int iTextLen = tempViewer.Command(WPViewPDF.commands.COMPDF_GetTextLen);
    IntPtr pText = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(iTextLen);
    tempViewer.Command(WPViewPDF.commands.COMPDF_GetTextBuf, (uint)pText);
    string sText = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(pText);

    Image extraction works fine where I specify the page number with the text parameter. But how am I supposed to specify this for the text buffer? As it is now I get only the text of page 1 of the PDF.

    Looking forward to your reply.
