Columns in selected a text

  • Hi,

    how can I set the count of columns in a selected text.

    The code

    wpRichtext.SelectedTextAttr.ASet(WPAT_COLUMNS, 2);
    wpRichtext.SelectedTextAttr.ASet(WPAT_COLUMNS_X, WPCentimeterToTwips(0.5));

    start then 2 column layout till the end of the docement.

    Heiko Moser
    HSC GmbH Dürrweitzschen

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    currently this does not work like this. I have an ide to implement an API for it.

    Right now WPAT_COLUMNS,2 must be set in the start paragraph ONLY and the WPAT_COLUMNS,1 must be set at the end.
