Moving from WPTools4 to WPTools6

  • Is there a document somewhere that documents all the changes that have been implemented from WPTools 4 to WPTools 6. I was told that important changes have been made, so before uploading I would be glad to know whether there is a list of methods, functions and properties that no longer exists and have been changed.

    This would allow me to be more confident in moving from V4 to V6.

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    At the end of the manual (PDF) You will find the chapter "Notes for Upgraders".

    Since the WPToolls 4 emulation has been envolved in the past mainly problems occur only
    - if you use undocumented methods of WPRichText.Memo (the internal control)
    - if you use PTAttr and PTLine pointeres
    - if you use QuickReport + WPTools
    - if you use WPReporter and activated precalculated page breaks (not supported anymore)

    Methods which were redundant in WPTools 4 or even 3 have been removed, most important the "Pic" methods for the first generation graphic support.
