Compiling error

  • Hi

    After reinstalling WPTools 4 into Delphi I get the following error while trying to compile my application.

    [Fehler] WPRich.pas(3498): Inkompatible Typen: 'WPCTRRich.TWPCustomRichText' und 'WPRich.TWPCustomRichText'

    unit WPRich;

    WPCreateTableForm(Parent, TControl(Sender), Self)

    Package compiles without problem.

    I’m Using Delphi 5, WPTools 4 (16.3.2004) standard and WPDF (8.7.2004)

    Thanks for any Help

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Please make sure you don't have WPTools 5 units in the search path when you compile version 5. Plae also make sure the wptools 5 package is not loaded. (You can delete it under the list of packages)

  • Hi

    thanks for your hint.
    I hade installed WPTools 5 the uninstalled it from Delphi since I realised that it was not as simple as expected to replace version 4 with version 5.
    Now I reinstalled WPTools 4 in a new directory .\WPTools4 without renaming WPTools witch contains version 5.
    Now after renaming WPTools to WPTools5 it works.
    It should have been working already before since I had changed all Path in Delphi to WPTools4. Somehow it didn’t.
