• We have the Premium edition of WP5 and for the most part, the text boxes work well.

    However, one issue is after a text box is inserted and positioned, then you type text that flows around the box, then you try to resize the text box, (for example making it wider), it seems to copy and paste a NEW text box over the original. If you resize again, it makes a third box, etc.

    If you resize the text box before text has been typed around it, then it resizes ok.


  • Julian,

    I tried it again and now it works fine. Not sure what my issue was before.

    However, I'm having a problem with auto-numbered lists.

    1. Inserted a text box.
    2. Placed the text box on the left side and sized it to take up the entire length of the page.
    3. Made the text box width 2 inches.
    4. Put the cursor to the left of the text box and hit the "numbering" tool button.
    5. Start typing.
    6. The "1." starts over inside the text box, not to the left of it. I can manually adjust the indents to compensate, but it seems that the indents should know that there is a text box and automatically start to the left of it.
