Does WPViewPDF work with Win9x yet?

  • I just downloaded the demo of WPViewPDF v. 1.04 and the help file says that Win9x support is not yet implemented.

    But I find in announcements for WPViewPDF 1.02.1 back in 12/03 that there seems to be some sort of support for Win9x.

    Unfortunately I don't have a Win9x computer available to test on right now.

    Can someone confirm whether or not WPView 1.04 works on Win9x platforms or not?


    Herbert Sitz
    Seattle, WA, USA

  • Just noticed at another spot in the help file a note that says WPViewPDF works in Win9x except with rotated images.

    So I guess it is compatible, but confirmation would still be nice.

    In any case, seems like it would be a good idea to get the conflicting info out of the help file.

    -- Herb

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Yes, there is some sort of support for windows 9x. This was made using a low level rotation of the vectors and using rotated fonts when possible. The remaining problems are unicode and rotated images. Uicode problems are possible but do not show up in western language since then the charsets can be used.
