WPSpell and blank suggestion

  • if I use english-general or dutch-standard dictionary, the popup menu related to the red underlined words shows the first item (the suggestion) blank.
    if I use other dictionary, italian for example, it works

    How can I fix this problem?

  • Waiting for your response, I examined the source code and I found the solution.

    in unit WPSpell_Controller I added this row:
    " Result := aword;"

    in this method:

    function TWPDCT.AdjustForDCT_out(aword: WideString): AnsiString;
    if FHeader.codepage = 60000 then
    OemToAnsi(PAnsiChar(aword), PAnsiChar(aword));
    Result := aword;
    end else
    if (FHeader.codepage>0) then
    Result := WPWideStringToANSI( FHeader.codepage, aword );
    end else
    Result := aword;

    Please correct your source code for future releases.

    Best Regards