Horizontal table borders show as double lines

  • Last week I posted a message in wPDF forum about problems with bottom border of a table appearing in WPTools preview, but not in wPDF export.

    I was using wpdf v2.30 with wptools v4.21, and Julian said the border problem had been fixed in newest versions.

    Now I've updated to the newest versions and I do get the bottom border in the wPDF export.

    But the inside horizontal borders of my tables are all double lines, both in WPTools and in wPDF export. Top and bottom table borders are single, but all other horizontal lines are double.

    Is there a way to fix this? Is this something the 'wpDontAutoHideBorders' option is related to? My 'wpDontAutoHideBorders' is set to false, which I assume means it is supposed to automatically hide double borders.


    Herbert Sitz