Problem: Space chars into words with justified text function

  • If I paste justified text from Microsft Word 2003 / 2007 / WordPad Windows 7 and save and re-open the document, I see spaces into words of text. The spaces between the words are also sometimes increased not visually, but really (with more space chars).
    Example: "This is a tex t with the pro blem".
    To Replicate this problem you can create a new justified document in wptools, in Times New Roman 12 font, save it and re-open the document. All works. If you add some text pasting some justified text from Microsoft Word, modify some written words with ptools, save and re-open the document, you'll see these words separated by space chars. The spaces between the words are also sometimes increased, not visually, but really (with more space chars). Changing the text alignment to left, the spaces are not removed.

    Could you please give me a solution?

    Best Regards
    Golem Software

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    this sounds that the RTF reader is adding a space to many. This can happen since RTF is using spaces to seperate the control codes.

    Such spaces can be made visible with the ViewOption wpShowSPC.

    However, with recent version I cannot see any spaced added no matter how I copy&paste between MS Word and WPTools and reload the RTF. If the problem persits with latest release, please save text in WPT format and send it to me.
