Convert PDF/A to JPG

  • Hi, I need to convert some PDF/A files into JPG files, but I cant find how to do it with WPViewPDF.

    I know I can make a direct call to a DLL, but which DLL? The one that comes with the DEMO (wPDFViewDemo03.dll)?

    Also, how do I declare and use the function pdfMakeJPEG and the DLL in Delphi 2010?

    Do I need a license number? Because the function requires licname, lickey, liccode, what should I use if I dont have those?

    Thanks in advance!

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    When You use the demo simply pass empty strings for the license name and 0 for the code - otherwise the license information will been sent to you when You purchase.

    This is part of the DirectDLL" demo:

    procedure TDLLForm1.MakeImageClick(Sender: TObject);var s : WideString; os: Ansistring; n: Integer;begin  os := WorkPath.Text + 'page_x%d.' + FileFormat.Text;  if not assigned(wpview_pdfMakeJPEG) then  begin    ShowMessage('function pdfMakeJPEG is not available');    exit;  end  else ShowMessage('All pages will be exported to: ' + os);  if OpenDialog1.Execute then  begin    s := OpenDialog1.FileName;    n := wpview_pdfMakeJPEG(PAnsiChar(UTF8Encode(s)), '',      PAnsiChar(WPViewPDF_LicName), PAnsiChar(WPViewPDF_LicKey), WPViewPDF_LicCode,      PAnsiChar(os),      0, 10000, 100);    if n = 1 then ShowMessage('One pages was exported!')    else if n >= 0 then ShowMessage(IntToStr(n) + ' pages were exported!')    else ShowMessage('Could not execute method!');  end;end;

    It uses the unit WPViewPDF1 which initializes the functions pointer when WPViewPDFLoadDLL is called:

    procedure TDLLForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  • Oh I see, I thought WPViewPDF had a free version.

    I own a copy of WPTools 6, do I have any discount to pucharse the WPViewPDF?

    Also I only need to convert the PDF/A into JPG, is there a way to buy only these funcionality?
