Building a list of objects contained

  • This is fairly closly following on from what I asked about yesterday, but as it would be relevant in other cases, I've submitted it as a seperate topic.

    How can you itterate through the paragraphs contained in a WPRichText control had determine its type and properties?

    E.g: Build a list of all hyperlinks in a document, or a list of all the paragraphs / words using a specific style etc?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    a) How to build a list of all hyperlinks in a document:

    You can use the 'Loop..' procedure of the RTFDataCollection for this. It expects a a parameter object (any) and the callback. The cllback can be either a global or a object (TForm) procedure:

    procedure TForm1.LoopAllObjectCall(    RTFData: TWPRTFDataCollection;    RTFDataBlock: TWPRTFDataBlock;    par: TParagraph;    obj: TWPTextObj;    param: TObject);begin   if (obj.ObjType=wpobjHyperlink) and (wpobjIsOpening in obj.Mode) then   begin     (param as TStringList).Add( obj.Source );   end;end;procedure TForm1.Button8Click(Sender: TObject);var list_of_hyperlinks : TStringList;begin list_of_hyperlinks := TStringList.Create; try   WPRichText1.Memo.RTFData.LoopAllObj( list_of_hyperlinks, LoopAllObjectCall); finally   ShowMessage(list_of_hyperlinks.Text);   list_of_hyperlinks.Free; end;end;

    b) To loop all paragraphs I suggest to simply use

    var par : TParagraph;
    par := WPRichText1.FirstPar;
    while par<>nil do
      par := par.Next;

    This loops through the current text, not in header and footer. If you need that, too start with
    WPRichText1.Memo.RTFData.FirstPar and use
    par.globalnext instead of

    c) To loop through the text you can also use a different Loop procedure, too: LoopAllPar

    d) The TextCursor also has a procedure for callbacks: CallForSelectedText. Obviously this helps to check out the text which is selected. It has the ability to only report uinque charattr ids.
