• I used to use the 'InsertGraphicAsLinkDialog' to insert image links in wpt4.

    Now I'm using the InsertGraphicDialog('dialog filter here',True(for linked));

    It seems to insert ok and all, but the image resizing is very strange.

    I select the image in the editor and try to size it smaller and it will arbitrarily change to a size other than what I had intended. For example, if I drag the right border to the left, to make the image less wide, sometimes the image will actually get wider, and may also resize itself vertically.

    Is this feature completed?

  • ok, after looking into it some more.

    I made a sample project and left everything default and it worked fine.

    It appears to have something to do with the AutoZoom setting, at least partly. If you leave this set to the default, wpAutoZoomOff, it seems the images resize like they should in the test project, and my project.

    If you set it to wpAutoZoomWidth, like mine was, you get this strange behavior. It seems to work ok like this in the test project, but not in my project. My settings are below, I couldn't find what might be causing it. Maybe you can see something I missed. I commented out all of my events and still got the same thing. I am using R6 by the way.

    If you set it to wpAutoZoomFullPage, you get an Exception(floating point div by 0). I get this even in basic test project. It comes from WPCTRMemo

    procedure TWPCustomRTFEdit.resize -->FMemo.ReorderPaintPages;

    I do like how it respects the aspect ratio if you drag from the corner handle.

    object WPRichText1: TWPRichText
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    OnGetPageGapText = WPRichText1GetPageGapText
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    OnKeyPress = WPRichText1KeyPress