Several tool bar issues

  • Hi,

    I have some issues with the predefined tool bar.

    Background information:
    My application has several "UI-Modes", however you can group these modes into "view" and "edit". I just set the "Enabled" property of the "TWPToolbar" and "TWPRichText" to False on any "view" mode.
    On the other hand, I set it to True on any "edit" mode.

    It's working well for all tool bar buttons excepting "Hyperlink Style" and "Spellcheck". The bound action is enabled even if the related "TWPToolbar" and "TWPRichText" is disabled (Enabled = False). Which means that:
    - "Hyperlink Style": the entered link is going to be added to the current cursor position.
    - "Spellcheck": You can perform the spellcheck even if the "TWPRichText" is disabled (Enabled = False). --> manipulate words.

    It looks like a bug.

    Some of the tool bar buttons have the behaviour of toggle buttons if the tool bar is disabled (Enabled = False). That means the button remains to be down/up after a click. Here a list of buttons with this behaviour:
    - Insert Image
    - Insert Symbol
    - Header and Footer
    - Numbers and Ou...
    - Paragraph Properties

    BTW: Is it possible to disable some of the tool bar buttons if the related tool bar is disabled (Enabled = False) by using the predefined tool bar?

    "Spell-As-You-Go": The initial state of this toggle button is off even if the related feature is active. So it shows the wrong state and you have to click twice in order to switch the feature off.

    Thanks in advance

  • Zitat von wpsupport


    Disabling the toolbar is not recomended. But the next build will disable the state of many buttons if the Editor is readonly.

    3) will be updated.

    1+2) What would be the recomended way to disable the tool bar/editor in "view mode"?
    3) Thanks a lot.