Progress while reading large Blobs

  • Is there any chance to have a progress while loading large data from a blobfield into a WPDBRichtextfield ?. My testfile (11.4 MB) takes quite a while to load and save..

    This procedure above does show a progress, but a a very late state. I woul suggest, that this is the progress to show the data in the field, not to load it..



    • Offizieller Beitrag


    no, there is no possibility anymore to show a progressbar. It was in in a very early stage.

    In your case I assume it would be better to

    a) use a TWPRIchText
    b) do NOT save the images IN the Text
    c) load the images AFTER the text was loaded ANS the text was displayed. This can be done through the OnTextObjectLoadStream event - use the stange parameter

    You need to insert the images as links or convert the inserted images to liinked images to make that work. See property StreamName of each TWPObject. Check out uniut WPEmObj

    I hope this helps,


  • Julian,

    thanks for the response. I would follow you, saving the images apart from the text, but...

    Is there a chance to grab a piece of source somewhere which shows how to do this in a database ?

