Difference between WPViewPDF standard and WPViewPDF Plus

  • Hello,

    My company is considering purchasing the WPViewPDF product. I have download the WPViewPDF free demo version and this product does what we need. The Web page for ordering the product shows a standard and plus version. However, I have been unable to find anything that describes the difference. Can you direct me to the documentation on this? Is the free demo version the standard version?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Internally WPViewPDF is based on a very powerfull SDK- The Standard version only uses the reading part of this SDK - the PLUS version can also use the writing part. This means if you load multiple PDF files into the WPViewPDF component you can also save those files with the PLUS edition. The created PDF file will be a merged PDF file. The mergin process is performed very fast and the internal logic will also combine bookmarks (the outline items displayed by Acrobate Reader)


    Julian Ziersch

  • Hi Julian,

    You mentioned to me in the wPDF forum that WPViewPDF Plus is capable of concatenating pdf files. (Thanks again for your quick responses - brilliant)

    So I've downloaded the demo and with a bit of work was able to get it going.

    (I'm using C++ Builder 5 - for anyone interested I had to build a new .bpl package using the 3 .pas files supplied in the VCL directory.)

    Incidentally, it would have been a lot less confusing if wPDFViewDemo01.dll had been installed in the install directory, rather than under Windows\System32.

    So anyway, now I'm able to use it, I have the following code:

    TWPViewPDF *WPViewPDF = new TWPViewPDF(HWnd);
      delete WPViewPDF;

    Obviously I need to save the document after the AppendFromFile, but I haven't been able to work out how to do it - I'm guessing that the demo doesn't include any of the Plus version features - is this correct? If so, is there a demo available which has the Plus features? The company I'm working for is looking at a purchase for this feature alone, but we need to know the limitations etc. beforehand.

    Also, in the current demo, I need to supply a valid window handle (rather than NULL) in the constructor or there will be errors. It seems rather redundant because, for our purposes at least, the control is never visible - it only needs to concatenate the two files in the background. Does the control actually need the window for anything if it isn't being displayed?

    Thanks again :)

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    Thanks for your commenst. The demo DLL is installed to system directory because the demo license does not allow redistribution anyway. The component is created as a window class, this is why a window handle is required. Yes, it is true that until now PLUS features were not available in the demo. From now on saving will be possible in demo edition, but a big cube is added to each page.

    New Version 1.29:

    I have just posted a new demo which also includes an updated Delphi interface. Using the property "plus" this new interface methods can be evaluated:

    function SaveToFile(filename: string): Boolean;    procedure InfoSetString(Name, Text: string);    procedure InfoSetTitle(Text: string);    procedure InfoSetSubject(Text: string);    procedure InfoSetAuthor(Text: string);    procedure InfoSetKeywords(Text: string);    procedure SetSecurityMode(Security: TWPDFSecurity);    procedure SetSecurityPFlags(P: Cardinal);    procedure SetSecurityUserPW(N: string);    procedure SetSecurityOwnerPW(N: string);

    There are two new methods to mark pages to be deleted or remove this flag. This way pages can be hidden from the user - when saving a file using "plus" the marked pages will be removed. This command ids can be alternatively used:

    COMPDF_DeletePage   = 490; // Mark a page # to be deleted. It will not be saved or displayed!
      COMPDF_UnDeletePage = 491; // Remove deletion flag

    You can download the demo at http://www.wpcubed.com/ftp/PDFViewDemo.exe

    Kind Regards,

    Julian Ziersch

  • Hi Julian,

    The new version works great, except for when using the security options.

    I'm using the following code before the SaveToFile:


    When I open the saved document in Adobe Reader 7.0.8, I get the error


    An unrecognised token
    'garbage characters' was found

    where 'garbage characters' seems to be some random bytes. This happens when I set either 40 or 128 bit encryption. The resulting document doesn't render properly, and the demo cube watermark is missing.

    Also, I'm attempting to set the security flags using the following:


    Is this the correct way to do it? (Note - the garbage characters error occurs with or without these lines.)

    On another note, I'm trying to use InfoSetString to set the documents' "PDF Producer" info, I've tried "PDF Producer", "Producer", "PDF_Producer" and "PDFProducer" but nothing seems to work - what string should I be using here?


    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Tthere was a problem in the code. When the page was already displayed it was not encrypted. An large OEM partner is using this feature since last year so this problem was unexpected.

    You can download a new demo (V1.29.1).

    Thanks for reporting the problem.
    It is not possible to update the "producer" info
    The P flags are now documented here:

    Kind regards,

    Julian Ziersch