Image size in table cell

  • With WPTools v5, I could not resize an image to be larger than a table cell, but it seems in WPTools v8 I am able to do that and overlaps a table cell border, however I don't want that. Am I missing a setting that is not obvious to me?

    These are linked images loaded from the RequestHTTPImage event using TextObject.LoadObjFromStream if that has anything to do with it.



  • I see what's going on, it was an import of a v5 table from a customer and his indents are messed up.

    If I create a new table and drag the image into a cell, you are correct, it is sizing to the cell. However, if you move the upper indent marker to the right of the table cell (instead of where is defaults to be which is at the cell's right boundary), the image will resize and overlap the table border to size based on the indent. In v5 this did not happen, it always resized to the table cell, independent of the indent, but it in v8 it resizes to the indent.

    If this was intentional, then that is what it is and I can deal with that during import to make sure all indents are within the table cell. If it is not intentional, then there you go and something to fix :) But perhaps this was a bug in v5 or a change in philosophy or maybe just a setting I missed for v8.... if a missed setting, can you give me a hint?