• Hi Julian,

    There's a problem in Wpxmlfile.pas with hyperlinks.
    When i create a hyperlink from a word. This is displayed & saved correctly.

    When i open the page, the space character before the hyperlink is included in the link too. Thus:

    Original link in html-file:
    word word word <a href="mypage.htm">this link text</a>

    Is parsed in wptools as:
    word word word<a href="mypage.htm"> this link text</a>

    I'll search for the bug, maybe a move-next forgotten? or afsHyperlink is setted too early?


  • Julian,

    Is this the right correction? I also ran into this problem. However, it is not clear to me if this fix, suggested by Janno de Wit, will not break something else. Please take a look and let us know of the possible side-effects.

    (I wonder why this fix didn't make it to 4.21 version if it is correct)


  • I'm not sure I understand it exactly :) ...but, in any case, the code as it is in the released version is really incorrect, because in some cases it ADDS a space even when there is none there (not only starts underscore in the incorrect place). For example, the following

    <p><a href="http://www.wpcubed.com>TEST</a></p>

    will result in

    I wish a better fix is found... So that both things work: fixed bug and proper handling of spaces.

    By the way, this "extra" underlined space looks really bad when the text is justified and there is a significant gap between the two adjucent words...