• My users are secretaries typing reports which are dictated to them. The persons dictating want to be able to review the report before it get send outside. Then they may decide on some changes etc ...

    So until they are happy with the document, I would like to print as a background the word 'DRAFT' in a shaded color (and ideally at 45 degre angle, in the middle of the page). This would be removed when they are ready to 'publish' that document.

    Not being very familiar, yet, with WPtools, I would very much appreciate any pointer to get me started.

    thanks in advance


  • Didier,
    my approach would be to

    *) store the document in a BLOB-field of a database table. There you can keep track of the reviewing process by setting status fields.

    *) In the filesystem (preferably on the fileserver) you can have a picture all in white where it says *DRAFT* in some fancy way.

    *) if the status of the document not equals *approved* then ...
    paint the draft-image as watermark

    This is done by having a TImage on your form, loading the desired image into the TImage, use the OnPaintWatermark procedure of the TWPRichText in the following way:

    my TImage is called img1...

    WPPrintTiledBackground(toCanvas, PageRect, img1.Picture.Graphic, XRes / WPScreenPixelsPerInch);

    Hope that helps