WPRichText does not detect Spell Change event in a MDIChild!

  • Hi,

    There seems to be a problem with the following property not changing state after a WPSpell word Change from within a MDIChild dialog. WPSpell detects and replace the word but does not change the state of the WPRichText Object


    I verified and the same property works Fine when the WPRichText dialog is Not part of the MDIChild ( sample WPSpell C++ code provided by WPCubed support)!

    Is there an alternative to 'Modified' in case this property is not supposed to get set in a MDIChild when WPSPell replaces a word?


    Note: The WPSpell Object was include once as part of the MDI Parent.
    WPTools 6.0
    WPSpell 1.x
    Borlanc C++ Builder 6.0

  • Julian, Hi

    Not sure I understnd, son't all Builder Events are Triggered based?

    Here the same question in a different light, is there an Event or Events associated with WPSpell Dialog's 'Change' and 'Change All' buttons?


  • Julian,

    Would this be a patch and also free for current WPSpell license holders or a New release and not so free?

    Please provide the WpSpell version number and the download instructions ( location, passkey etc. ) in case it is a free download.


  • Julian, Hi

    The latest WPSpell v1.0 (02-22-2010) installed fine but the problem with MDIChild not detecting the Spell Change still remains :?

    I remove the WPTools 5.0 Package and re-installed the package with the latest WPSPell in tow. Could it be that I should have cleaned the WPTools directory before rebuilding the WpTools package?

    I'll ask another developer to verify my results but as before the Spell Change is detected in a non-MDIChild (Modal) Object but not in a MDIChild.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    the new version
    a) implements the events BeforeChange : TWPChangeEvent and AfterChange. That could help.
    b) Calls "changing" and "ChangeApplied" methods of the current editor in wpspell_link.pas. This makes the events and the Modified flag working.

    procedure TWPToolsSpellInterface.Changed;
      inherited Changed;
      if FCurrEdit<>nil then
