RTF2PDF Version 2 API

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Unless you intend to use wRTF2PDF without the COM interfaces please stop reading here and see the dedicated RTF2PDF reference manual.


The RTF2PDF component inherits all properties and methods of PDFControl.


It adds methods to load, manage and export RTF files to PDF.


To convert a RTF file you first load it and then export it.


System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog OpenDia =

new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();

OpenDia.Filter = "RTF Files|*.RTF";









//Loads a RTF file

public void LoadRTF(String FileName)


//Loads RTF from a string

public void LoadRTFString(String RTFFormat)


//Appends RTF from a string

public void AppendRTFString(String RTFFormat)


//Saves the RTF file

public void SaveRTF(String FileName)


//Appends RTF file to the data stored in the RTF Engine

public void AppendRTF(String FileName)


//Converts <fieldnames> in the loaded RTF data into the special fields

//(insertpoints) which can be used for mailmerge.

public void MergePrepare()


//Starts the mailmerge process. Please note that you can execute this,

// write a PDF file and execute it again without having to reload the RTF data!

//The data is retrieved using the OnGetText event procedure.

public void MergeExec()


//writes the RTF data to an intern data storage. To restore it use the procedure MergeRestore.

public void MergeBackup()


//Restores text saved with MergeBackup()

public void MergeRestore()


//Define how many pages should be printed on one PDF page side by side.

//The standard is 1 to print one RTF page on one PDF page.

// "2" would print 2 RTF pages on one PDF pages and also double the width of the PDF page.

public void SetColumns(int Value)


// Start the RTF to PDF conversion. During the conversion process the

// callbacks are executed to let you fill in graphics if you need to.

// This makes it possible to create a watermark on each page.

// It uses the 'Filename' property as output name

public void Export()


// Start the RTF to PDF conversion. During the conversion process the

// callbacks are executed to let you fill in graphics if you need to.

// This makes it possible to create a watermark on each page.

public void Export(String OutputFileName)


//Sets the zoom value for the RTF to PDF conversion.

// It can be used to shrink or enlarge the text.

// To print 2 A4 pages on one A3 page use columns=2, Rotation=90, zoom=100.

// To print 2 A4 pages on one A4 page use zoom=50!

public void SetZoom(int Value)


//Changes the rotation of the PDF page.  To print landscape use the value 90.

public void SetRotation(int Value)


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