Ann: WPViewPDF V4.0 - is available now

  • WPViewPDF is a component that allows you to load one or multiple PDF files and to display or print it/them as one.

    It is possible to export pages as bitmaps (PNG, JPEG) or as text. It is possible to add drawings which will be displayed and printed on top of the original data. The drawing objects can be moved and sized by the programmer in code or by the user in the end product.

    WPViewPDF V4 was developed to make it possible not only to view PDF files but also to really work with them.
    To make it easy to provide the user a powerful GUI a new action system has been integrated. It makes it possible to automatically initialize the menus and toolbars required.
    Most work has been put into the draw object and the new annotation system. Now it is possible to offer the user the possibility to add annotations to the PDF information.

    - All new action system. This allows it to create a GUI efficiently and quick.

    - new ActionMode: pan, select objects, draw etc.

    - add PDF annotations to a PDF file. Supported are at present:
    * highlight annotation
    * text background (the used can select text and the annotation will cover the area)
    * square annotation
    * symbols with Popups
    * squiggly underline annotation
    * text field annotations
    * checkboxes

    - move any existing annotation

    - delete any existing annotation

    - create draw objects on a "document layer". The document layer survives reloading a PDF file. This makes it possible to apply the same draw objects to various PDF files. With WPViewPDF PLUS it is possible to save the objects to XML and load as XML.

    - trigger mail merge events on marked text draw objects.

    - convert PDF into watermark: The user can select a PDF file and use certain PDF pages as background for the current PDF files. It is possible to reuse the same page on multiple pages.
    The Demo Setup can be downloaded here:…demo-component/
    This setup contains the DLL and the VCL for Delphi and sample projects.

    Julian Ziersch
    WPCubed GmbH

    • Official Post


    4.5.2016 WPViewPDF 4.01.2 has been posted - the support for PDF forms has been much improved.

    You can create PDF forms with check boxes (various styles), edit fields, combo boxes and list boxes. You can even add masked edits and date drop downs! The user can use TAB to move to the next field and Ctrl+Tab to move to the previous - this works also over page boundaries.

    You need WPViewPDF PLUS to save PDF forms.

    The included program "PDFedit.exe" got a new form to create fields and widgets:

    • Official Post

    WPViewPDF V4.01.3 is available now.

    It is now possible to flatten the PDF annotations - they will be rendered onto the PDF page. After rendering they can optionally be deleted. It is possible to render widgets and/or popups and/or draw annotations.
    Link annotations will not be rendered and deleted.

    The new release improves the pdf form editing even more.

  • WPViewPDF release 2.8.2016
    - fix problem when 64bit DLL was used with .NET 4.5 (This fix is also available for WPViewPDF V3)
    - fix problem with lost image resource when saving PDF

    WPViewPDF release 28.7.2016
    + using command COMPDF_MODIFIED it is possible to check if the contents were modified by the user, i.e. if pages were moved.
    + new function pdfMakeImageEx can load the PDF data from a IStream and save one ore multiple images to an IStream.
    + new unit: wpcubed_pdf_plugin has been added to use WPViewPDF with ImageEn, the powerful image component for Delphi.
    + new WPViewPDF Edition "WPViewPDF MakeImage" which supports pdfMakeImageEx only.

    WPViewPDF release 15.7.2016
    - do not show OCR text on certain scanned document
    + support for Win2151Encoding (not standard)

    WPViewPDF 4.1.5 release 30.6.2016
    * improved rendering code for auto-textheight multiline freetext annotations
    + when saving a PDF the Catalog/AF array is also saved.
    * the saving of names dictonaries has been changed so save names to merged documents, too.
    + new ViewOption: wpDisableAnnotTextEditInEditMode
    + new commands to add file attachments to a PDF file
    COMPDF_Attachment_AddAF, COMPDF_Attachment_SetData, COMPDF_Attachment_SetProp
    + new DLL methods to create a non-visual "PDF workbench". With the created object most
    viewer commands can be used to examine and manipulate PDF data. This can be helpful if you need
    a powerful PDF tool in C++.
    * editor will switch into text edit mode of text annotations on click on selected object, not at once

    WPViewPDF 4.1.4'' release 20.6.2016
    - fix display of some (OCR) fonts which are not embedded but loaded from system

    WPViewPDF 4.1.4' release 14.6.2016
    - fix a checkbox saving glitch

    WPViewPDF 4.1.4 release 8.6.2016
    - URI links were not working - now OnHyperlinkWWW can be used
    + scale the PDF pages when saving to a new PDF file
    New commands: COMPDF_SaveScaledPDFMode, COMPDF_SaveScaledPDFSetX and COMPDF_SaveScaledPDFSetY
    When using Delphi you can use the method ActivateScaledPDFWriting to enable the scaling.

    WPViewPDF 4.1.3' release 17.5.2016
    + annotation flattening mode UseOriginalDataForRendering
    + allow the sign ~ to be used in PDF names

    WPViewPDF 4.1.3 release 14.5.2016
    + It is possible to flatten PDF forms - the annotations are rendered into the PDF.
    + new action "FlattenAnnotations" in group 4, Draw Operations (by default hidden, use RequiredOptionalActions to show)
    + added annotation save modes to remove annotations and widgets
    + it is now possible to set and modify the draw object options using commandCOMPDF_Ann_ModifyAddProps
    - fix annotation loading problem - transparency was not loaded
    * improvement in annotation export code
    + new parameter RequiredOptionalActions in procedure WPPDFViewerInitMainMenu

    • Official Post

    WPViewPDF release 23.12.2016

    * includes workaround for incorrect PDF files which miss endobj markers.

    WPViewPDF release 21.12.2016

    * bitmaps with of bit height will now be printed without any anti alias. This

    fixes problems with barcodes which were printed with some shading.

    - in scanned documents some characters showed up when the font was not defined.

    - display characters corrected when CIDtoGID and ENCODING cmap was used.

    * improved interpretation of cmap definitions

    * the handliung of ligatures (fi) has been improved

    WPViewPDF release 13.12.2016

    - fixes a problem with some images introduced in last release caused by compiler issue

    * fixes DEMO expiration problem

    WPViewPDF release 7.12.2016

    + Improvments to PDF-Workbench. This object can be created be used without having to use a window handle.

    * WPViewPDF also works fine to print the PDF pages on a HDC. No window handle is required - PrintHDC

    - fixes a memory leak which sometimes occured when PDFs were using monochrome JPEGs

    + using command COMPDF_UseGDIPainter with parameter = -2 it is now possible to select the standard, non

    GDI+ painter to be used by PrintHDC and GetMetafile.

    + added a Delphi demo which is using PDF-Wokbench object.

    + added fall-back for font output in case the font could not be loaded by integrated font engine

    WPViewPDF release 24.11.2016

    - fix an internal exception when creating a field

    * don't save AcroForm object if it was detected to have no fields.

    + the parameter "F" of a widget controls if the widget is printed or not.

    Use SetGlobalParameter('AddFieldDefaultF=1') to make WPViewPDF add the value F=4 to all

    fields which do otherwise miss this property.

    WPViewPDF release 22.11.2016

    + event: OnChangePageSelection

    + Use SetGlobalParameter('rotatemeta=1') if you need to extract pages as metafiles with applied page rotation.

    Instead of SetGlobalParameter(stringvalue) it is also possible to call Command(200000, stringvalue)

    WPViewPDF release 18.11.2016

    - fix: It was not possible to move a page to last position when a page was deleted

    - fix problem with special CID font

    + impove drag&drop in thumbnail view

    + added support for color inline graphics

    WPViewPDF release 18.10.2016

    - fix problem with wide outlines in some texts

    + added support for subforms in AcroForms.

    * more strict interpretation for Bit 10 in security P flag (=extract graphics and text)

    WPViewPDF release 6.10.2016

    * ignore path drawing inside text blocks (workaround for some PDF files)

    * improved display of FreeText annotations

    - VCL: In API FindText a variable was named DontGoToPage although its meaning is GoToPage - it has been renamed to "GoToPage"

    - fix for Y position when FindText was used.

    - FindNext was broken

    WPViewPDF release 28.9.2016

    - improves saving of highlight annotations

    - fixes problem with loaded multi line selection

    + during adding highlights the user can press CTRL+Z to undo the last change

    WPViewPDF release 15.9.2016

    * enhanced font width measurement

    * enhanced character location in CID fonts

    - fix problem with encrypted PDF files which use a non-standard FileID

    WPViewPDF release 31.8.2016

    - drag over caused AV in Delphi XE up to 10.0

    - move pages did not work correctly when pages were deleted before. This problem has been fixed.

    WPViewPDF release 22.8.2016

    * we integrated a fix for a possible problem when printing documents multiple times without using the print dialog.

    This problem showed up in some other applications after the windows update released 19.8.2016 and also with the pdfPrint() function.

    (To switch off this fix use SetGlobalParameter('printerfix=0'), to switch it on again us SetGlobalParameter('printerfix=1') )

    * do not always draw hairline around filled areas

    WPViewPDF release 2.8.2016

    - fix problem when 64bit DLL was used with .NET 4.5

    - fix problem with lost image resource when saving PDF

    WPViewPDF release 28.7.2016

    + using command COMPDF_MODIFIED it is possible to check if the contents were modified by the user, i.e. if pages were moved.

    + new function pdfMakeImageEx can load the PDF data from a IStream and save one ore multiple images to an IStream.

    + new unit: wpcubed_pdf_plugin has been added to use WPViewPDF with ImageEn, the powerful image component for Delphi.

    + new WPViewPDF Edition "WPViewPDF MakeImage" which supports pdfMakeImageEx only.

    WPViewPDF release 15.7.2016

    - do not show OCR text on certain scanned document

    + support for Win2151Encoding (not standard)

    WPViewPDF 4.1.5 release 30.6.2016

    * improved rendering code for auto-textheight multiline freetext annotations

    + when saving a PDF the Catalog/AF array is also saved.

    * the saving of names dictonaries has been changed so save names to merged documents, too.

    + new ViewOption: wpDisableAnnotTextEditInEditMode

    + new commands to add file attachments to a PDF file

    COMPDF_Attachment_AddAF, COMPDF_Attachment_SetData, COMPDF_Attachment_SetProp

    + new DLL methods to create a non-visual "PDF workbench". With the created object most

    viewer commands can be used to examine and manipulate PDF data. This can be helpful if you need

    a powerful PDF tool in C++.

    * editor will switch into text edit mode of text annotations on click on selected object, not at once

    WPViewPDF 4.1.4'' release 20.6.2016

    - fix display of some (OCR) fonts which are not embedded but loaded from system

    WPViewPDF 4.1.4' release 14.6.2016

    - fix a checkbox saving glitch

    WPViewPDF 4.1.4 release 8.6.2016

    - URI links were not working - now OnHyperlinkWWW can be used

    + scale the PDF pages when saving to a new PDF file

    New commands: COMPDF_SaveScaledPDFMode, COMPDF_SaveScaledPDFSetX and COMPDF_SaveScaledPDFSetY

    When using Delphi you can use the method ActivateScaledPDFWriting to enable the scaling.

    WPViewPDF 4.1.3' release 17.5.2016

    + annotation flattening mode UseOriginalDataForRendering

    + allow the sign ~ to be used in PDF names

    • Official Post

    WPViewPDF release 15.12.2017

    * improvement of handling for embedded objects which are using HexEncoding

    +use Command(COMPDF_SetSaveMode, 8192 * 1024) to save all fonts, not just the ones which are used.

    - fix problem that draw objects do not work correctly with SetGlobalParameter('ReduceMemoryUsage=1'

    + better alignment of the view panel relative to the thumbnail/bookmark view

    WPViewPDF release 8.11.2017

    + detect corrupted PDF data with garbage at end of file

    * optimized detection of fonts which are using 2-byte CIDs

    * improved support for embedded fonts

    WPViewPDF release 3.10.2017

    - write the flag /EncryptMetadata when file encryption was activated

    + use command( COMPDF_SetSecurityMode, 1+4096) to activate encryption also of metadata in 40 bit or

    command( COMPDF_SetSecurityMode, 2+4096) in 128 bit security mode.

    WPViewPDF release 22.9.2017

    - fix problem when saving PDF file with named destinations

    - fix problem when displaying bookmarks

    * improvement when saving PDF which contain unicode strings in name array

    WPViewPDF release 20.9.2017

    + use command(COMPDF_SetSaveMode, 8192 * 256) to always write NeedAppearances=true

    + use command(COMPDF_SetSaveMode, 8192 * 512) to always write NeedAppearances=false. This fixes the problem that AcrobatReader asks to save changes.

    + experimental: Use SetGlobalParameter('ReduceMemoryUsage=1') to reduce the storage of path objects.

    That helps with PDF files which use a lot(!) of text paths on a page but can slow down repaint.

    WPViewPDF release 7.9.2017

    - COMPDF_GetPrinter could not be used with CommandGetStr

    - fix problem with desired width/height with GetImageExt

    WPViewPDF release 26.7.2017

    - update to font character selection

    WPViewPDF release 10.7.2017

    + using the command COMPDF_Ann_Undo = 560 it is now possible to disable and enable the UNDO buffer.

    use Command(COMPDF_Ann_Undo, 4) to disable, Command(COMPDF_Ann_Undo, 5) to enable.

    WPViewPDF release 21.6.2017

    + flatten form (annotations) when saving the file

    + option DeleteFormFields=1 in pdfMerge()

    + option FlattenFormFields=1 in pdfMerge()

    + The save modes can be specified with SaveToFile command

    + The save modes can be specified with pdfMerge as parameter SaveMode=x

    - fixed memory issue caused by undo system

    WPViewPDF release 31.5.2017

    + COMPDF_Ann_ModifyAddProps can now be used without updating the screen at once. Add option 16.

    - fix exception error which could happen with some corrupted PDF files.

    WPViewPDF release 11.5.2017

    - fixed hyperlinks to named destinations

    WPViewPDF release 3.5.2017

    - fix problem with wrong character width when font height in PDF was negative.

    WPViewPDF release 20.4.2017

    - fix a stability problem when reading annotations which were using quadpoints

    + detect "caret" annotation

    * improve strikeout annotation

    WPViewPDF release 5.4.2017

    - fix problem when ScreenToPage was used directly after a LoadFromFile.

    WPViewPDF release 29.3.2017

    - fix problem when saving attachments from PDF

    + add support for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo

    WPViewPDF release 15.3.2017

    + new option for pdfMerge: COPY_NON_ENCRYPTED=1 will copy the original file if only one source file was

    specified and that source file was not encrypted.

    + new option for pdfMerge: PASSWORDxxx=1 sets a password (xxx=1..999) in a list of passwords used for the loaded PDF files.

    + Use SetGlobalParameter('DrawImageBands=1') to make WPViewPDF draw large monochrome bitmaps using several bands instead of

    one big bitmap. This has been introduced to increase compatibility with certain printers. (Experimental - may become default in future)

    WPViewPDF release 9.3.2017

    + support for text RenderMode 1 (outlined text)

    - fix for gray scaled JPEG2000 encoded images

    * when writing PDF files Signature annotations are written together with the accompanied field

    WPViewPDF release 2.3.2017

    - fix problem for certain JBIG2 images which showed up after last build.

    WPViewPDF release 24.2.2017

    * property SecurityOptions defaults now to []. Please check if it is required to disable the save functionality.

    * includes a workaround to avoid printing problems of pixel based barcodes on some printers

    * improves text find method

    WPViewPDF release 18.2.2017

    + the VCL defined a new method AddHighlightAnnotationForText

    + when adding a highlight annotation it is possible to create a non rectangular area to cover the previously found text.

    Use "atfoundtext=1" in the options. Note: x,y,w,h must also be provided!

    - fix a flicker problem when highlighting text

    WPViewPDF release 9.2.2017

    - fix problem with FindText - the scrolled position was slightly off

    WPViewPDF release 3.2.2017

    * the text export now calculates more accurate positions in the xyhtml code

    * find text returns better coordinates

    - fix: when a PDF file used a cropbox the annotation frame was drawn at a wrong position

    - acrofields with auto size text were always written with fontsize 12

    WPViewPDF release 27.1.2017

    * avoid problem with PDF files which use comment in the page description

    + MergeText now uses COMPDF_BeginUpdate/COMPDF_EndUpdate to improve performance

    WPViewPDF release 26.1.2017

    - fix for command COMPDF_ACRO_SET which can be used to set the acrofields used by a PDF form

    WPViewPDF release 4.1.2017

    - fix a problem when saving some rare PDF files

    * improve scrolling in thumbnail view

    • Official Post

    WPViewPDF release 13.12.2018

    * Updated documentation for command COMPDF_Attachment_AddAF.

    --> Please pass the id returned by this command as second parameter when you load the data which should be used by a PDF attachment.

    - fixed problem when saving PDF file with attachments

    WPViewPDF release 5.12.2018

    - correctly hides text written with Tr3 mode but still allows text selection

    WPViewPDF release 30.11.2018

    - improves compatibility to PDF files which save spaces in front of object numbers

    - solves AV problem on problematic CCITT data

    WPViewPDF release 19.10.2018

    - when rendering draw objects with right aligned text into the PDF the text was not positioned correctly

    - when rendering draw objects with centered aligned text was not positioned correctly

    WPViewPDF release 16.10.2018

    * PrintHDC, GetMetafile does not cache the page commands anymore which reduces the

    memory consumption if a large number of pages are processed.

    - fix problem with certain images with indexed color

    - fix problem that font size was not read from widget annotations (DA parameter)

    - fix line breaks in multi-line edit fields

    * .NET interface supports new parameter options in AddDrawObject()

    WPViewPDF release 10.9.2018

    - fix cache problem which caused large memory consumption when extracting text

    + command COMPDF_NoViewer can be used to temporarily disable the rendering for fast loading and text extraction

    - Annotation Flags "F" were not handled correctly. They are now correctly loaded from prp.v.F

    This causes annotations which are supposed to be invisible to be hidden (though they are selectable in certain operation mode)

    WPViewPDF release 22.8.2018

    + command COMPDF_RenderDrawobjects now returns the number of rendered objects.

    Use Bit 8 in the parameter to only count the objects.

    - fixed problems when writing check boxes in PDF forms

    * improved text extraction (more exact X coordinate calculation)

    WPViewPDF release 14.8.2018

    - the scaled print mode (COMPDF_PrintUseScaling) also set the paper size which worked against the purpose

    WPViewPDF release 9.8.2018

    - fix cmap reading error when <..> codes were on the same line

    - fix problem with acroform objects which used fields as indirect reference

    - fix problem with PrintDialog loosing focus on Alt+TAB

    - COMPDF_ACTION_WRITE can be used to localize the action captions.

    The problem that some sub menus were not been localized has been fixed.

    + understand Encoding: UniGB-UTF16-H

    WPViewPDF release 24.7.2018

    * change default value for COMPDF_GetTextSetOptions = 272 - set bit 2 if you need y position written as text baseline position (=default) or clear bit 2 to save the top position. (Consistency to WPViewPDF V3)

    WPViewPDF release 21.7.2018

    + new command: COMPDF_GetTextSetOptions (=272) - set bit 2 if you need y position written as text baseline position or clear bit 2 to save the top position

    WPViewPDF release 2.7.2018

    + The text extraction method has been revised for better detection of lines of text, even if not

    printed at the exact same vertical position.

    WPViewPDF release 29.6.2018

    + command COMPDF_SinglepageMode,2 can now be used to toggle the single page mode.

    * improve compatibility with PDF files which use Encoding as indirect reference.

    WPViewPDF release 29.5.2018

    - fixes problem with XForms

    - fixes problem with separation color used for stroking

    * updated Demo DLL

    WPViewPDF release 27.4.2018

    - fixes problem with annotations (caused by - XForm handling)

    - check annotation with CA property = 8 now shows X

    WPViewPDF release 20.4.2018

    + command DONTSETDEVMODE can now be used to disable the landscape detection on w>h

    - workaround for PDF files which use incorrect ASCII85 encoding

    WPViewPDF release 11.4.2018

    * improve ToUnicode interpreter to not fail on incorrect range

    * limit size of intermediate bitmap used for PrintHDC when UseRotation=true

    * improve PDF compatibility

    - handles inverted CMYK image stream

    - use current state as default state for XForm painting.

    Solves problem if XForm does not define any colors.

    WPViewPDF release 28.3.2018

    - fix problem with "use rotate" parameter of PrintHDC

    WPViewPDF release 8.3.2018

    - fix internal AV introduced by new "scn" handling

    - fix redraw issue after text selection

    WPViewPDF release 7.3.2018

    + command COMPDF_Get_XMPBuffer can be used to read the loaded PDF metadata.

    The IntParam is used to select the loaded PDF-File to examine. (default=0).

    It is also possible to provide the NAME of the PDF-File to check in the StrParam.

    The Result Value = -2 if IntParam is not valid or the provided PDF filename was not loaded before.

    - invisible text can now be selected

    - Rendering of annotations and draw objects used wrong position when a crop box was used in PDF.

    - improvement to comment handling for postscript page description

    - improvement of text highlight to annotation conversion. (AddHighlightAnnotationForText)

    - MouseUp event was lost when internal code handled mouse event as well.

    + AddHighlightAnnotationForText now accepts Alpha parameter in Range 0..255

    WPViewPDF release 7.2.2018

    * the PDF to text feature now adds spaces if it detects gaps between rendered text elements

    this feature can be switched off with Command(COMPDF_DontSynthesizeSpaces,1)

    + COMPDF_Ann_ModifyAddProps can now be used to set the "HighlightType"

    * improved text selection and highlighting

    WPViewPDF release 22.1.2018

    * Handle the case when '-' was used in image draw operation and encoded as #2D in dictionary

    + accept PDF 2.x as input format

    WPViewPDF release 15.1.2018

    * do not write MarkInfo if not all PDF files which are merged use this flag

    - fix problem in CMYK conversion

    • Official Post

    WPViewPDF release 7.3.2019

    - fixes problem with 64bit DLLs in last build - they were not loading

    WPViewPDF release 2.3.2019

    * PLUS edition: improved form handling

    WPViewPDF release 27.2.2019

    + added some support for FunctionType 4 separation color

    - fixed "stack error" exception

    WPViewPDF release 25.2.2019

    + new command: COMPDF_SetAnnotEditModes modifies the way the TAB key works in formular mode

    * improved TAB handling and scrolling formular mode

    WPViewPDF release 21.1.2019

    + new: Drag&Drop support with Delphi and TWPViewPDF.

    To use assign events OnDragOver and OnDragDrop.

    - fix stability problem when drag&drop was used with Delphi 10.3 Rio in 64bit application.

    WPViewPDF release 12.1.2019

    - improvements to 64 bit DLL

    - fix for bullet sign

    • Official Post

    WPViewPDF release 18.3.2019

    + the command COMPDF_Zoom can now be used with the string parameters

    StrPar='XYWHx,y,w,h' to scroll to the PDF coordinates x,y,w and h (72 dpi on the page)

    StrPar='PXYWHp,x,y,w,h' to scroll to the PDF coordinates x,y,w and h on page p

    WPViewPDF release 7.3.2019

    - fixes problem with 64bit DLLs in last build - they were not loading

    WPViewPDF release 2.3.2019

    * PLUS edition: improved form handling

    WPViewPDF release 27.2.2019

    + added some support for FunctionType 4 separation color

    - fixed "stack error" exception

    WPViewPDF release 25.2.2019

    + new command: COMPDF_SetAnnotEditModes modifies the way the TAB key works in formular mode

    * improved TAB handling and scrolling formular mode

    WPViewPDF release 21.1.2019

    + new: Drag&Drop support with Delphi and TWPViewPDF.

    To use assign events OnDragOver and OnDragDrop.

    - fix stability problem when drag&drop was used with Delphi 10.3 Rio in 64bit application.

  • WPViewPDF release 8.10.2020

    * Load PDF file which use a "Catalog" not marked as such

    WPViewPDF release 8.10.2020

    Compiled with latest Delphi compiler available

    jbig dll rebuilt with current zlib code

    WPViewPDF release 3.6.2020

    + added support for inverted grayscale image

    WPViewPDF release 3.6.2020

    * removes null object references from page catalog to avoid confusion of certain PDF readers

    WPViewPDF release 22.5.2020

    * improved compatibility to not well formed text objects in PDF

    WPViewPDF release 12.5.2020

    - fix a possible AV in the DLL after a project was opened and page controls were used.

    - there was a problem in the 64 bit edition of the MakeImage DLL which has been fixed.

    + Command(Set_PaintMode, 16) can be used to disable rendering of all annotations

    WPViewPDF release 23.3.2020

    - it is now possible to send a parent window handle to the engine

    when using the command COMPDF_PrinterSetup and COMPDF_PrintDialog

    WPViewPDF release 26.2.2020

    - some improvements in acroform handling

    WPViewPDF release 13.2.2020

    - Improvement in color space decoding

    WPViewPDF release 2.1.2020

    - solve a problem with rare encoding of inline images BI/IE

    WPViewPDF release 16.12.2019


    to fix rare problems which occured when the executable was running from a folder on the network

    - ignore Predictor property when set to PNG-None

    - fix problem with recursion when reading annotations which contain actions

    WPViewPDF release 18.11.2019

    - fix problem with text extraction (and find text) when a certain rare font cmap was used

    * wp_type1ttf.dll and wp_type1ttf64.dll have been recompiled with VS2010 Pro to not require the VS runtime

    WPViewPDF release 5.11.2019

    - do not abort on incorrect AES buffer length but decode what's possible

    - fixed command id COMPDF_ZoomThumbnailsAuto=79 to set auto zoom for thumbnail view

    WPViewPDF release 30.10.2019

    * missing width for character id 0 is set to 0 to solve problem with incorrectly encoded cmap

    - font encoding for OSX PDF files.

    - fix offset for draw text objects

    WPViewPDF release 9.10.2019

    - fix a problem introduced by version

    - annotations and draw objects did not paint and export correctly when the page cropbox used a negative x and y parameter

    + COMPDF_ZoomThumbnailsAuto = 79; // Set the auto zoom property of the thumbnail view

    // 0 = Off, 1= Width, 2=FullPage, 3=SideBySide, 4=AsManyAsPossibleInRow 5=AsManyAsPossibleInRowMinOne (=default)

    * PDF fonts which were not using a certain encoding are now using the "Standard" encoding

    WPViewPDF release 8.9.2019

    - fix problem when decoding 2 bit images

    + it is possible to set a filter to limit the area where the text is extracted.

    pdf.command(COMPDF_GetTextSetOptions, 4+2); // Activate the filter

    pdf.command(COMPDF_GetTextFilterRectX, 150); // ..Y, ..X1, ..Y1

    WPViewPDF release 30.8.2019

    - fix problem with 64 bit use in .NET

    * call fall back routine for fonts which are missing cmap table

    WPViewPDF release 21.7.2019

    - improves compatibility with PDF with encode descendent fonts in embedded objects instead of indirect

    - the text export could write #0 to html files. Those will now be skipped.

    WPViewPDF release 7.6.2019

    - checkboxes were not flattened correctly when AS property was not correct.

    * command COMPDF_ZoomThumbnails can now be used to set the maximum zoom value for thumbnails. The default is 10%.

    (Any increase of the window width will created additional columns if the maximum zoom value has been reached)

    WPViewPDF release 10.4.2019

    + command COMPDF_LoadActionCursor can be used to change the cursor used by certain

    Action modes. Use command( COMPDF_LoadActionCursor, 1, crCross ) to change standard cursor.

    + added command function to VCL interface:

    function TWPViewPDF.command(command: Integer;

    IntParam: {$IFDEF WIN64} IntPtr {$ELSE} Integer {$ENDIF};

    IntParam1: Integer; IntParam2: Integer = 0;

    IntParam3: Integer = 0; IntParam4: Integer = 0 ): Integer;

    - fix problem with 2 bit indexed color images with

    - fix of ToInicode interpretation if no spaces were used as separator

  • WPViewPDF release 14.6.2021

    - clean char(0) when returning info items

    WPViewPDF release 22.5.2021

    - fix problem that added image objects were drawn upside down

    WPViewPDF release 11.5.2021

    * Updated operation of option DONTSETDEVMODE=2 in pdfPrint

    WPViewPDF release 24.4.2021

    * improvements to color space handling

    WPViewPDF release 25.3.2021

    * updated cmap decoding

    - fixed problem with font names encoded using special characters such as #20

    WPViewPDF release 5.3.2021

    - fix problem introduced by PDF comments in compressed object streams (appeared in

    WPViewPDF release 19.2.2021

    - fix problem when loading certain PDF files which have been manipulated by signing process.

    The problem was caused by the use of comments in compressed object streams.

    WPViewPDF release 5.2.2021

    * Loads PDF which use newlines instead of spaces in object numer

    + improvement in transparency support /ca /CA