Function TParagraph.SplitCell(posinpar:Integer; Mode:TWPSplitCellMode) : TParagraph

Unit: WPRTEDefs
Class: WPRTEDefs.TParagraph



The type of the result value is TParagraph.


This function splits a cell horizontally. If the cell is a merged cell the new splitted cell will also be a merged cell. If the cell is merged with following cells the cells which this cell was merged with will be unmerged. Unless the flag wpSplitDontBreakUpInGroups was not provided in the optional property 'mode' the created cells will be merged into two groups.

If the cell was not merged with the adjecent cell (standard behavior), SplitCell will create a new cell after the current cell and return the reference. This mode can be disabled using the mode wpOnlySplitMergedCells - this is useful to avoid the creation of tables with different count of columns in each row.