Class TWPToolbar


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TComponent | Vcl.Controls.TControl | Vcl.Controls.TWinControl | Vcl.Controls.TCustomControl | WPCTRRich.TWPCustomToolCtrl | WPTbar.TWPCustomToolPanel | TWPToolbar


This component can be used as a quick solution to add a toolbar to a WPTools project. Drop a TWPRichText, a TWPToolbar, connect the toolbar to the editor using WPRichText.WPToolBar. Now select the necessary combos and buttons in the properties with the name "sel_...". Alternatively You can double click and select the elements in a runtime designer. The selection will be stored in the property ConfigString. If the property ConfigString is not empty, i.e. ";", the "sel..." properties will be ignored.Example to show the configuration dialog: uses WPTBarConfig; procedure TForm1.Configure1Click(Sender: TObject); begin WPToolbarConfigurate( WPToolbar1, Self, 'Configure Toolbar' ); end;




OnChange : TNotifyEvent= procedure (Sender : TObject) of Object

OnClick : TNotifyEvent= procedure (Sender : TObject) of Object

OnExit : TNotifyEvent= procedure (Sender : TObject) of Object

OnIconSelection : TWPIconSelectEvent= TWPIconSelectEvent

OnInitActionButton : TWPInitActionButtonEvent= TWPInitActionButtonEvent

This event is triggered to initialize each button

OnMouseDown : TMouseEvent= TMouseEvent

OnMouseMove : TMouseEvent= TMouseEvent

OnMouseUp : TMouseEvent= TMouseEvent

OnPaintSpeedButton : TWPPaintSpeedButtonEvent= TWPPaintSpeedButtonEvent

OnSelection : TWPSelectEvent= TWPSelectEvent

Used or referenced by

-Property TWPCustomRichText.WPToolBar : TWPCustomToolCtrl
-Function WPToolbarConfigurate(Source:TWPToolbar; ParentForm:TForm; Caption:string) : Boolean