Class TWPSvgXMLNode


System.TObject | System.Classes.TList | WPXMLint.TWPXMLOneLevel | TWPSvgXMLNode

Description for Class TWPXMLOneLevel

TWPXMLOneLevel represents each tag in the XML file. The first element is strored in TWPXMLTree.Tree. From there you can find all elements and children. The tags all have a name and can also have parameters. The class provides menas to also read and write the content, this is the text between the start and the end XML tag. You can use your own class which inherits from TWPXMLOneLevel. Doing so, you can manage variables which each tag automatically. This can be, for example, screen coordinates if the data in the XML tree is redered somehow. To use your own class you need to override TWPCustomXMLTree and in the constructor assign the class reference to your element class to the protected variable FItemClass.



Used or referenced by

-Function TWPXMLOneLevel.AddRDF : TWPXMLOneLevel
-Function TWPXMLOneLevel.AddRDF : TWPXMLOneLevel
-Procedure TWPSvgInterpreter.CreateClipPath(startit:Boolean; Stack:TWPSvgStack; ContextTag:TWPSvgXMLNode)